This video explores the SELECT statement when working with MySQL queries in PHP. We take two mock entries from our table and then display two fields in …
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PHP Tutorial 29 – MySQL Reading Data (PHP For Beginners)

This video explores the SELECT statement when working with MySQL queries in PHP. We take two mock entries from our table and then display two fields in …
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47 responses to “PHP Tutorial 29 – MySQL Reading Data (PHP For Beginners)”
Hi i want to learn more things from you please reply me if you read this comment
thanks dude :like:
Thanks for your work. I have learned a lot and know how much work training can be. You have gotten me started and that is what I usually need. Good luck with your present endeavours and thanks again.
look buddy your videos need to be more attractive. that will make you unique.
Thanks a lot Chris, you are the best teacher, hope you can read my comment, I learned a lot from these tutorials, thank you very much
Can you do tutorial of c ++ after php??
Done watching the series :D. I hope you will come back soon. I miss your voice chris :D..
Just want to say thank you for the wealth of information you have given us through these tutorials. I now have the basic building blocks for the backend of web development. Good day and well wishes for whatever you do in life.
Thanks Chris,
Your tutorials was very helpful please make chapter 30 and onwards, we r waiting…
Thank you. Listened to all your lessons.
Great videos. Why there are no more videos? You were doing great. Hope you are okay and healthy!
thank you very very much i hope you to back again to teach us more :* thank you
what php version are you using? Because multiple episode don't work for me.
brother i have watch all of your tutorials on php.. then what should i do or watch to make complete web page to release in server.. waiting for your reply
Very good quality stuff
Hey Chris ! Where are you mate?
I've watched all 29 in this series. Great tutorials. Thanks.
You've obviously moved on to other things. Best of lucy with that.
Can you Continue this?
Come back! The world needs you…seriously. (C:
if you have so much images like ecommerce websites how to do the image processing to make th page open quickly and to make the images on the page open very quick
Can We Be An Expert If You Know Upto Lesson 29?
I guess you got into gaming..
i want to insert images to db and show through a link(like google images) plzz tel the easiest possibility…… thanx
Hi Chris
I've watched all your 29 videos, and I can say your's such a good teacher.
Thanks too much.
Thanks bro!
Chris if you're still there, I'd want to say thank you.
Thank you so much.
Even an old lady like me can understand your teaching.
Miss you next project
can u continue this
Some say, he's still playing modern warfare 3.
thank you so much sir Chris you helped me a lot , you are a good instructor keep it up
thx so much, it's great, please continue, i'll be waiting for the next lessons,
Your tutorials are great! Please, continue… We're waiting..
Honestly the best guy I found to teach this, sad you never finished but so be it, thanks anyway.
where are you mr. chris , am still waiting for your tutorial number 30
Thank you so much… I wish you would still be here to teach us. Now I need to search for a other channel. You are a really good teacher and I will miss your lessons.
Still thanks a bunch!
Yeah man, you rock. Thanks so much for the help !
Great series. No need to apologize/apologise for being tired. All we have to do is pause, look at your code, and keep going. These are fantastic.
Thanks … Hope that you continue this tutorial …. You really help me.
Helpful tutorials, thank you!
4:30 lol
Great tutorial mate!
Thanks for sharing
Great videos but it's really a shame that you didn't finished the tutorials for the beginners. No offense but before you start doing something similar, calculate your time and make a decission if you can or cannot finish a project. Don't take me wrong, i appreciate your work but not as much as if you have finished it. It's not only your time, but ours also. Be responsible. Then again, thank you, anyway.
Thank you very much! Your videos helped me a lot! I would be very happy if you would continue with the other tutorials. I still feel like a PHP beginner…
Thanks for your videos.actually I didn't start to learn PHP at our semester.but I learned php through these videos a lot.
And thx a lot
Thanks a lot for this series of tutorials.
It is very understanding!
How to add value of php variable into mysql database?
My code is
$conn=mysql_connect(…..) or die(mysql_error());
$sql='INSERT INTO ppl (Name,Age) VALUES('.$name.','.$age.')';
however there is no entry made into the required table
How should i do it?