PHP Tutorials: jQuery: Get data from MySQL Database without refreshing

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42 responses to “PHP Tutorials: jQuery: Get data from MySQL Database without refreshing”

  1. I did this tutorial however, I had to change from MSQL to MSQLI as it kept showing errors. Heres what I did on the data.php to get it to work.

    $db = new mysqli('localhost','',','');
    if($db->connect_errno) {//echo $db->connect_error;
    die('<br>Oops! we are having some problems.');

    $name = mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$_POST['name']);
         echo "Please enter a name!";

    $age  = mysqli_query($db,"SELECT age FROM rates.People WHERE name='$name'");
    $age_num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($age);
            echo "Name does not exists!";

    $rowage = mysqli_fetch_row($age);
    echo "$name's age is $rowage[0]";     

  2. This tutorial was good but the code is quiet old if you want to uses mysql_result nowadays you have to use mysqli_result instead and that requires you to create a function for it as php does not recognise is anymore 
    Here is the code to for the function mysqli_result 
    function mysqli_result($res, $row, $field=0) { 
        $datarow = $res->fetch_array(); 
        return $datarow[$field]; 

  3. How can i update the tables automatic without refreshing the page, what i want to is: Is someone insert a new record in the database in my office from another web browser i want to the new info in my browser but without refresh the page. How can i apply this tutorial to my project?

  4. i have question
    how to show the image from database ?
    i'll try to show it but i have problem with tag that show in result

    when i type the data i want search then it showed <img src=''> like this not show the image

  5. I have a question … how can i display the results in multiple divs   Like i want some of the results to show in one div1 and other results in other div2.   Thanks in advance

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