phpMyAdmin – Basics Tutorial

This tutorial covers basic phpMyAdmin techniques including creating databases, developing table structures, inserting data into tables, and basic row functions.

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22 responses to “phpMyAdmin – Basics Tutorial”

  1. It would be great if you could NOT mumble half of everything you're saying under your breath, as most of what you're saying is probably beyond the understanding of most beginning users. I've attempted to watch this video several times now and none of it is sinking in because I cant understand you!

  2. Very good vid! Thank you.
    I have a question if I may ask.  I am trying to upload an SQL database file into a Phpmyadmin database and I noticed the sql page file I'm uploading  says
    " Dumping data for table `big_ block_engineid`   " 

    But I didn't see anything about data "dumping" in your video. What does dumping mean and how  important is it? Is dumping in my phpmyadmin really a necessary function? And how do I dump date using phpmyadmin 5.5 ? 

  3. your comment is old but for others who may have the same problem – check if you're not using port 8080 (or some other port) – then u need an url like localhost:8080/phpmyadmin – like the address shown in this video

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