phpMyAdmin 4.0 tutorial, part 2 : relation between tables Topics covered : * Foreign keys * Relation view * Create and use foreign key relations * Relation …
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phpMyAdmin tutorial at Debconf13, part 2 : relation between tables

phpMyAdmin 4.0 tutorial, part 2 : relation between tables Topics covered : * Foreign keys * Relation view * Create and use foreign key relations * Relation …
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4 responses to “phpMyAdmin tutorial at Debconf13, part 2 : relation between tables”
I cant see the relational view option on my localhost
I don't have the designer tab. Do I have the wrong version of phpMyAdmin or something? I don't understand how I can get that tab.
Hello, can I have question if there is any understandable tutorial, how to set 'tooltip value of foreign key' ? I dont see column "Choose column to display" in relationship page. After upgrade to PhpMyAdmin 4.3.7 , I just see in designer button "Choose column to display", but noting happens if I do it.. Excellent will be to make some video tutorial or include it into standard version
… Thank you .