Progressive Animation Render Addon – WIP

I’m working on an addon to progressively render animations for Cycles – have it render a low number of samples initially for the whole animation, but get cleaner and cleaner the longer you leave it. This also allows you to pause and resume single image renders as well as animation renders.
This video shows you some of the features and how to use it.
For more info and a detailed explanation:


12 responses to “Progressive Animation Render Addon – WIP”

  1. Amazing that some don't understand how useful this is. In production, daytime is very valuable, cause you can actually work, and the night is ideal for rendering. This lets you work sooner in something rendered lets say in hour, and start compositing, color work, see errors, etc, it will only be more noisy, but pathtracers give you amazing preview. And if you like it, you can continue the render overnight or the same day from the level of noise it was left off.

  2. Testing it now, seems to be a fair bit faster then my usual setup, although I'm still experimenting on the samples to repeats ratio. Excellent work though this will be a great help for future render work 🙂

  3. Good work BN. I 'm guessing this doesn't improve render times but allows you to see your animation 'progressively' as it iterates around. Useful got bigger projects I guess. For me, I did realise that this would be a way for me to manually improve an otherwise noisy, low samples animation by subsequent re-renders (and composits). Rather than dedicating minutes to each single frame. Thanks.

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