Quadruped Rigging Tutorial Part 2: The Hind Leg


demo file can be downloaded at http://www.coreyross3d.com/blog/2015/8/29/quadruped-rigging-series-part-2

In this video, I go over quadruped hind leg set up using a techniques that involves two overlapping IK solvers.

IMPORTANT: Although i never mention it in the video, make sure you are always using object translate mode, that way the object stays in the correct plane and you can see the actually orientation.

You can learn more about my work at CoreyRoss3d.com

Look forward to Part 3, coming soon!


12 responses to “Quadruped Rigging Tutorial Part 2: The Hind Leg”

  1. I've got everything working with this with the entire rig except the chain with the spring solver IK is not turning with the rest of the skeleton when I rotate the character in the world Y axis with the global transform controller.

  2. Getting stuck at the plusMinusAverage step. Maya won't let me add both values to the 1D input. In fact you cant add more than one connection to the 1D, 2D or 3D inputs. Once I add the custom twist attribute to the 1D input the option simply disappears. So when I try to connect the offset attribute only 2D and 3D are available . I hear it's a know issue

  3. my jointchain splits up to three toes after the foot joint. Therefor putting a single chain ik solver onto these joints doesn´t work to keep them in place while twisting the rotatePlane IK. Do i need to rebuild my rig, or is there a way to get around this?
    Your tutorial is really helpful by the way

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