Rig Arm Twist – Maya


How to rig upper and lower arm twists, – 180 + 180 supported rotation.


17 responses to “Rig Arm Twist – Maya”

  1. Thank you for good information. I solved the problem. I have a question. Why use 4 joints each? If the limbs are short, can I shorten them to three? and Is this called quaternion? and..Shouldn't Nonroll JNT's upVextor be the opposite of the existing arm JNT?

  2. Edit: Nevermind – I found that this flipping thing with the Aim constraint is a limitation that comes with the underlying vector math.

    follow up question: my arm chains only differ from yours in orientation (x – forward axis, y points down and z points in the negative negative z direction), I was able to correctly apply the (IK handle and the aim) constraints for elbow and shoulder, but when i twist my wrist past 90 degrees on my forward axis, the twist segments flip. if i change the up vector in the aim constraint's settings (- to +) the flipping still happens if I rotate the wrist -90 degrees. is this an unsolvable problem like gimbal locking? what's a good workaround for it?

  3. OMG, I circled around several tutorials for days (including an old one from Autodesk official) – this tutorial is the easiest to understand, is neatly done and make efficient minimal use of nodes. Thank you for this Alexandre.

  4. Thanks for this! Helped me a lot!

    Although I have a question, is it possible to have all the set-up (upperarm and lowerarm) either be full IK set-up or full aim constraint set-up?

    If so, why did you choose a hybrid set-up?

  5. Thanks for this! Helped me a lot!
    Although I have a question, is it possible to have all the set-up (upperarm and lowerarm) either be full IK set-up or full aim constraint set-up?
    If so, why did you choose a hybrid set-up?

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