nice tutorial,my first look tut. when i was learning about maya but tips for all like me. If u want to learn maya visit digital tutors….search for maya and u have all tut. in one place.Good explained and step by step…….u vreally dont have to look at other place
ok i have been trying to follow your instructions but its not working for me
I cant make the foot base or w/e you call it. Whenever I use the joint tool and like hold shift, it doesnt make it as skinny and stuff as the one on yours and it just doesnt work the same ITS REALLY FREAKIN ANNOYIN
Thanks, Man. That stupid program I was using to record my self working keep freezing up on me, and I keep losing my work, and when it did work, it would record the video faster than my sound, and my voice would get ahead of what i was doing, and the longer i went, the worse it got.
28 responses to “Rigging Characters in Maya (Part 1)”
nice camera
Easier to start on rigging a character if he's in a relaxed T-pose if you ask me. Great tutorial though.
Thank You!!! These three videos helped me alot!! If only you had a part 4! … assigning pole vectors and control handles
where's the root?
Hai am new to rigging can u help me to rigg a body.
@unpicked2 try hypercam
you sound like the drill sargeant on System Shock 2.
"welcome to wake-island marine"
Great tutorial. I'd suggest next time you use quicktime to record your screen when you do tutorials. The menu items are not really visible this way.
I've only seen the first minute or so, but this guys accent rocks! He makes learning fun….
Not at all what i expected but anyways pretty sweet.
There's a much easier way of creating joints. You see, first you need some marijuana….
he sounds like an army sergeant
I freakin love this guys accent, totally makes learning this better.
nice tutorial,my first look tut. when i was learning about maya but tips for all like me. If u want to learn maya visit digital tutors….search for maya and u have all tut. in one place.Good explained and step by step…….u vreally dont have to look at other place
Neva Maind!
Lol… Just a camera… But you could use "CamStudio"… Its free, and pretty good…
I know, he uses some program for the other vids
it's just a video camera.
где перевод? :))
Hey, dude…I'd like to contribute to the youtube tutorial community…coulc U pls tell me what program U use to record your screen?
At university we call it a "Reverse foot lock" so i guess thats wat u were trying to say hehe
Cheers for yet another quality tutorial mate….
LOL, as long as you know what it is, I guess you can name it whatever you want.
Well, Thanks for watching, man.
You have your joint size to small. Either go up to your settings, and make them smaller, or just make your character bigger.
Well, Take it easy.
ok i have been trying to follow your instructions but its not working for me
I cant make the foot base or w/e you call it. Whenever I use the joint tool and like hold shift, it doesnt make it as skinny and stuff as the one on yours and it just doesnt work the same ITS REALLY FREAKIN ANNOYIN
Well, When you plan on adding cloth to it, it really helps to make them bigger.
Please add these to YouTooners, James.
Great stuff. Too bad the internal program freezes.
Be Well.
Thanks, Man. That stupid program I was using to record my self working keep freezing up on me, and I keep losing my work, and when it did work, it would record the video faster than my sound, and my voice would get ahead of what i was doing, and the longer i went, the worse it got.
Quality of video is fine…Another fine tut from Unpicked2…