Save Data using Modal Pop Up in ASP.NET CORE WITH BootStrap JQuery


In this video, I am going to show you, How to save data using Modal Pop up in ASP.NET CORE With BootStrap jQuery.

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20 responses to “Save Data using Modal Pop Up in ASP.NET CORE WITH BootStrap JQuery”

  1. Great! Thank you…

    I have one suggestion, you can add:


    in 24. line in site.js. That means that you don't have to reload page by yourself if you want that data to appear in the table.

  2. Great tutorial and thanks for all your hard work .. after spending almost 2 hours searching for a solution to my problem, I couldn't find it yet. The problem is with the httppost (save button) .. the modal appear and when clicking save it doesn't find the action in the controller and keeps giving 404. I even updated the jquery.js just in case but that didn't help either. is it something related to server configuration ?

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