Science in the Kitchen


If you like to cook you probably go into your kitchen with the idea that you are going to produce a very delicious meal that everyone will like. But did you realise that every time you enter the kitchen you are doing applied science?

Science is full of theories and formulas. Did you know that you use lots of theories and formulas in the kitchen? Did you know that every recipe is a formula? Let’s take a look at science in your kitchen:

The First Law of Thermodynamics – Every time you strike a match to light your gas stove, you are putting into play the First Law of Thermodynamics. You are transferring one type of energy from the rough emery side of the match box to the match stick. How about that for a science experiment in the kitchen?

Types of Motion – Every physics student needs to know the types of motion. Here are two types you will use in your kitchen.

Rotatory Motion – Rotary motion is when a circular kind of motion. Put some ice cream, milk, a banana and some strawberries into the blender; turn on the blender and there you have it; a milk shake made from rotatory motion.

Vibratory Motion – Every time you use the rolling pin to roll out some dough, if you use a back and forth motion you are using vibratory motion plus rotatory motion. Why do we call a rolling pin a rolling pin?

Properties of Material – Have you ever looked at the pots and pans and appliances you have in the kitchen as heat conductors and insulators? Well that is exactly what they are. For example, your metal pots are excellent heat conductors; they hold heat and get hot very quickly. Other pots such as a glass Pyrex dishes, although they too are heat conductors, do not heat up so quickly so are poorer heat conductors. The plastic or insulated pipe around the electric cord on the toaster is an insulator because it does not absorb heat quickly and keeps you from getting burned while making toast.

Latent heat of vaporization – When a liquid heats up to boiling point the temperature remains constant. This heat is used to change the liquid to gas without any increase in its temperature. This process takes place when you boil a pot of rice for dinner. Once you put the lid on the pot of rice; the temperature in the boiling pot of rice remains constant but the liquid (water) turns to gas (steam) and that is what makes your rice swell and you will not have watery rice.

These are only a few examples of science in the kitchen. Next time you go into the kitchen to cook; look at it as a science experiment. See how many science theorems you can find in the kitchen. You may be surprised that your time in the kitchen is one big science experience.

Try to think of other science facts you can find in your kitchen. How many did you find?


Source by Helen R Khan

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