Search from array of objects in javascript

Search from array of objects in javascript

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29 responses to “Search from array of objects in javascript”

  1. const index = newTodos.findIndex(function (todo, index) {


    return todo.title === 'Go to Gym';


    return todo.title === 'Go to Gym'
    I understood that it compares title and if title matches it returns true, but here index is returned how?
    It should return true, findIndex finds the index and if the condition matches, it will return, am i correct?

  2. Rather thank typing the entire code in 1 line, you should actually try and break down the way you write your code as well. Writing your entire code in 1 line makes it a bit tough for people. Anyway, thanks! 😉

  3. Hey. Can you explain me the necessity or significance of using === in return statement of findIndex method. Here, we are comparing the object title with a string right? so how is it same as comparing or checking if they belong to the same memory space?
    p.s. i have seen your ==v/s=== video but i don't understand how === is returning true value when an object title is compared with a string.

  4. why the hell do you mix the (to lower case) problem with finding object in the array. this makes lot of confusion for new learners. just put it aside.

  5. Hello bro, Thank you for the lesson. I have a confusion in the method 1 : const index = myToDos.findIndex(function(todo, index)).
    My question is, how does the todo and index get values? because we are not calling in the function with any parameters. I understand it is a self invoking function but couldnt understand how the parameters got their value. any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance.

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