Here we see how we can use LSL to communicate with our PHP scripts to add and remove information in our MySQL database. Please hit the THUMBS UP, Comment, Rate & Subscribe! Visit my Second…
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Here we see how we can use LSL to communicate with our PHP scripts to add and remove information in our MySQL database. Please hit the THUMBS UP, Comment, Rate & Subscribe! Visit my Second…
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7 responses to “Second Life Scripting Tutorial- Insert & Delete Data to MySQL Database”
I have a problem, when I click insert it creates the entry on MySQL but it's just a duplicate entry.
hi do u know how to delete second life it is taking to much storage
Hi Mitzpatrick, your tuts have helped me a great deal, my question to you is this, how would you set the values of LSL variables with data retrieved from database fields? ie: tbl1.field1 & tbl1.field2 > PHP > LSL $var1 = field1 & $var2 = field2 that could be used else where within the script using just $var1 & $var2? thanks 🙂
Thank you for the great tutorial.
While it's true that with many online hosting services you won't get access to the shell for running things like Mysql scripts for creating tables, you can however use a PHP script instead. I'm using 000webhost which has the same limitations and a PHP script works great. As you discussed though, a person needs to remove the script when finished, or write the script in such a way to avoid data loss.
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge. It was a great help for getting up and running accessing RDMS from LSL.
Tank you so much, this has been a lot of help for me.
Great tutorial. I have come closer after watching your tutorials. I have a slight problem though. lol When i click to insert it creates the entry on the mysql side but the fields have no data.
Hey thanks for this tutorial, it gave me a good starting point for a few things I wanna try!