In this course we will cover all of the fundamentals of the SQL (Structured Query Language). This course is great for beginners and also intermediates. We will …
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SQL Crash Course – Beginner to Intermediate

In this course we will cover all of the fundamentals of the SQL (Structured Query Language). This course is great for beginners and also intermediates. We will …
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23 responses to “SQL Crash Course – Beginner to Intermediate”
Thank you so much, ur a great teacher, simple and straight to the point of whats needed in job. No bull. Thank you, keep up the great work.
Dudeeee you are the best, i have been trying to get any keys about it to understand even the book was so confusing. Thank you so much for the straightforward info, the voice was so clear, the language you used was very simple and clear nothing hard no philosophy in it!! Do more videos for the intermediate levels and advanced, please. Keep up the good work. Once again, thanks a lot :))
Here's the full code transcript:
thankyou so much for the video clear all concepts basics just wanna know when to use Customer and when to use CustomerS please help
After deleting id #3 should it not automatically correct the ids from there on, I mean instead of Steven still being id#4 should become id#3 and so on from there?
awesome one. have a good day.
Hi, If I have products and categories and when I delete one category, what happens to the products of that category which was deleted? Should I move those products to a different categories? How to automate this process? Thanks.
The best programming nerd online
But why we need join we cannot get the data by writing where clause like these and = product. id
Like that
If I am wrong please correct me I am new in these….
having an error in this brad
INSERT INTO orders(orderNumber, productId, customerId) VALUES
mysql said
"#1452 – Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`acme`.`orders`, CONSTRAINT `orders_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`customerId`) REFERENCES `customers` (`id`))"
All of your joins returns the same rows all the time. Having a more diverse data set would really help to understand how the different joins really work. I found the entire lecture very informative but the joins really need to produce different results otherwise I'm looking at the same data wondering how the joins are different.
thanks man,except that joining part everything was clear and understood,joining part is bit tricky for beginners,u are great
How is this done in management studio
yes the video was good and it is useful for learners to learn easily . in this i learnt many things .thanks for this useful video.
Great video. Thank you
Your determination and passion is awesome…
Thanks for the this tutorial Sir Brad…
And your voice is awesome too :p
Thank you for your work!
i need source code . Can anybody provide?
What Keyboard is this? The sounds are just ASMR!
How to save and see the tables we joined?
When i created the table orders i checked and i got no keys in the customer and product id:( wondering what did i do wrong ?
Why not MySql or MSSQL? Why this trash?
Do you have oracle database tutorial or are you planning to add it in your tutorial ?