Javascript tutorial addEventListener Best HTML Event Handling W3C Recommended Method
Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/view.php?tid=1208 Learn how to use the Javascript addEventListener() method for an optimal way of adding user interactivity into your HTML4 and HTML5 websites and web applications that apply Javascript. Original source
javascript.info The Modern JavaScript Tutorial Part 2: 2.2 Bubbling and Capturing
javascript.info The Modern JavaScript Tutorial Part 2: 2.2 Bubbling and Capturing by Ilya Kantor Youtube by Lisa Friedrichsen This youtube covers the issue of how event handlers fire when multiple elements are clicked on a web page as defined by bubbling versus capturing. The addEventListener() method is used with both bubbling (the default) versus capturing…
JavaScript Tutorial | Modals & Loops | Part 2
In the previous video we added JavaScript to let our modal appear and disappear after a “click” event. Unfortunately, using the “querySelector” to open the modal only works for a single element. Time to find out how to select multiple elements of the same class with “querySelectorAll” and also how to use loops and “addEventListener”…