Tag: adjust

  • Bootstrap 4 Theme Customization (with Sass) | BOOTSTRAP 4 TUTORIAL

    Bootstrap 4 Theme Customization (with Sass) | BOOTSTRAP 4 TUTORIAL

    [ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6Ovw43Dkp44/hqdefault.jpg Bootstrap 4 makes the customization of themes, colors and sizes easy! Use SASS to adjust the look of your Bootstrap 4 project to exactly the look you need. No expert knowledge is required – just some easy-to-follow steps. ———- Source Code for the Video: https://github.com/academind/bootstrap4-introduction/tree/06-customize Watch the Series on academind.com: https://academind.com/learn/css/bootstrap-4-tutorial/customization-themes-sass Official Theming…