Blender 3D Basics tutorial – Mean Crease
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MOT4qkk5iHw/hqdefault.jpg A lesson for beginners… A quick tutorial to show how to use Mean Crease Facebook.com/3DNKT source
How to Setup a Blender Render Farm on Windows without VNC or RDC
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BV0eXkLDqjE/hqdefault.jpg We show you how to setup a render farm with an extra computer on a windows network. Don’t forget we are always adding royalty free models, textures, scripts, music & sounds, and Unity assets http://www.blendertek.com click on the blog link. Follow us on Twitter @Blender_Tek www.twitter.com/Blender_Tek Facebook www.facebook.com/BlenderTekPage SoundCloud Podcasts www.soundcloud.com/BlenderTek Thursday is Secret…
JavaScript Tutorial – HTML5 Canvas – width and height facts & precautions – part 68
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/WebTunings/339234242822202 Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/110715686307038021344/110715686307038021344/posts Recommended JavaScript Book: Code snippets: https://github.com/webtunings Original source
Photoshop Tutorials Graphic Design Adobe CS6 PSD CC Photo Advanced Effects Mixtape Flyer
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CWGg-Tq8rJI/hqdefault.jpg http://www.todaysbeats.com/photoshop/ Photoshop Tutorials Graphic Design. Learn how to make create mixtape cover art text! Using PSD Photoshop CS6 Adobe Text Mixtape Cover Art Graphic Design Tutorials. In this video you’ll learn how a TEXT mixtape CD was created using Adobe Photoshop CS6. Making A Graphic Logo Using Adobe Professional Design Tutorial. Photoshop design tutorial…
Photoshop Cs6 For Beginners – 05 – Brushes/Painting
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JpjtqUmuguE/hqdefault.jpg ———————————————————————– Checkout ArtbeatsEXPRESS! They are helping me make more and better tutorials and create MORE FREE TEMPLATES!! So click the link below and check out their awesome stuff! http://www.artbeats.com/artbeatsEXPRESStdt5 ———————————————————————– Checkout my New Channel For FREE Templates and Advance Tutorials! – https://www.youtube.com/c/zengenlearning ———————————————————————– My Facebook Link – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004092946498 ————————————————————————- Like My Facebook Page –…
JavaScript and jQuery Tutorial (for Beginners)
In this lesson we learn what JavaScript is used for and how to leverage the popular JavaScript library named jQuery. Check out my “Get a Developer Job” course: https://www.udemy.com/git-a-web-developer-job-mastering-the-modern-workflow/?couponCode=YOUTUBE-HALF-OFF Have you put together a neat page infused with JavaScript awesomeness and want to move it from your computer to online so the world can see…
Blender 3D Live Chat Room – Blender 2.8 (3D) and Eevee (expected 2018!) #2
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iDcrloig0bc/hqdefault.jpg Welcome to Hype Tutorial’s first live chat room for blender users to discuss Blender’s next major release Blender 2.8 / Eevee or any other topic. Blender 2.8 – The next big Blender 3D release – expected in 2018! From an updated viewport to workspaces and dependency graphs. Blender 2.8 brings updates all over the…
2018 Blender CGI/VFX Reel | Remington
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bglBfYdNIvM/hqdefault.jpg Check out some of my favorite 3D work from the past few years. Everything here was created in Blender 3D with occasional compositing in After Effects.
Streamline Your 3D Workflow!
Remington Creative specializes in improving your skills and abilities as a 3D artist. We help you achieve your goals with with top-of-the…
Understanding JavaScript setInterval function | Javascript Tutorial
setInterval function in Javascript repeatedly calls a function with a specified interval in between. In this video, we are going to create a stopwatch kind of application using Javascript setInterval function. This video is from AttainU’s Live program on Full Stack Web Development. Program Details: * Full Stack Web Development Course, Online & Live *…
What on Earth is Stock Photography?
Another #askDRTV, and a question asking us what stock photography is all about. In this video, Kai, Lok & Alamby show you what stock photography is and the quick and easy way to making some images to make money on stock/micro stock photo websites. Connect with us: ================================== Facebook: http://facebook.com/digitalrev Twitter: http://twitter.com/digitalrev Google+: http://google.com/+digitalrev Instagram:…