https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lnWzzUt5qv8/hqdefault.jpg WELCOME to another Episode of PR UNBOXING Madness! xo’s ~ Tati 😇 TRY HALO BEAUTY here » » » https://halobeauty.com/products/halo-beauty-hair-skin-nails-booster ✔ I N D I E B R A N D S M E N T I O N E D Meraki Creations Etsy.com/shop/blingedbrushes Etsy.com/shop/FizzyFairyApothecary www.Atera-collections.com www.Facebook.com/MySweetLittleThings/ www.instagram.com/collectivejourneys www.SauceBoxCosmetics.com ✔ M A K E…
color change animation tutorial-blender
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rUU5JSJkvDk/hqdefault.jpg The bottom of the screen got cut off a little bit, sorry about that, I will try to fix that in my next tutorial. Please like and subscribe. follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/parr100 source
Tutorial: Render Solid Wire-Frames In Blender in under 5 min
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/C6a9FnHlqjo/hqdefault.jpg A quick Blender tutorial on creating solid wire-frame renders. (More info below) My website: http://www.deniszholob.com Tutorial website link: http://deniszholob.99k.org/tutorials/render-wireframes/ (Download files here) Also on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/34813262 Tutorial Level: Beginner This tutorial covers: *Solid Wire-frame Material setup *Lighting/Backdrop Quick Bookmarks: Materials: 0:38 __ Backdrop: 2:24 __ Lighting and AO: 3:31 Note: This is very simple…
Blender 3D animation movie "Psychogenesis"
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rzjQuFrlnU4/hqdefault.jpg I started to learn Blender three months ago (01.11.13). “Psychogenesis” is my first short animated movie. Before to begin this project I have created two low polygon characters and four simple locations. Modeling and animation took about 2 weeks. Now I’m uploading this film to keep memories about how it started. This is only…
Blender Tips: Making Wire/Vine/Rope Basics
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xC4Mp0fNUMo/hqdefault.jpg Now uploading Blender tips! In this tutorial I show you the basics of curving meshes to make wire, rope, or vines! I found this out pretty late, because it isn’t that obvious. Leave a thumbs up if you liked this tutorial! Music by Machinima sound You can download Blender here: www.blender.org/download source
Blender: Tutorial – Modeling a Chandelier – part 2 of 4
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CExFKq0GF94/hqdefault.jpg And here are some useful shortcuts to save you time in Blender: Alt + Left click or Middle mouse button = Rotate perspective Shift + Middle mouse = Pan 5 = Perspective view or Orthographic A = Select all S = Scale G = Grab E = Extrude H = Hide Z = Wireframe…
Blender Tutorial: Render Layer
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6IA8Z_kPA90/hqdefault.jpg Eine super Szene, die Beleuchtung stimmt, kein Mesh wirkt zu grob oder kantig und auch die Texturen sitzen richtig. Nun sollen Effekte dazu, doch nur auf bestimmte Teile. Was tun? Zum Glück hat Blender Render Layer. Damit kontrolliert man, was welchen Effekt bekommt. Wir finden uns im Compositor Node Editor wieder. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt…
Blender 3D: Newtons Cradle tutorial, Part one
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ozipVZ9MkZU/hqdefault.jpg In part one of this two part tutorial we will take a look at modeling and animating the famous Newtons Cradle. As the newtons cradle is a demonstration of physics, so to is this tutorial. We’ll be using the physics engine to achieve the animation we are after. You’ll learn the basics of rigid…
CopperCube Vantagens e Desvantagens
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/oV3KUB39vCU/hqdefault.jpg Link do Curso e Downloads https://goo.gl/o2YqPG Blender Game Engine Tutoriais http://bit.ly/BlenderGameEngineTutoriais Unreal Engine 4 Tutoriais http://bit.ly/UnrealEngine4Tutoriais Vantagens e Desvantagens http://bit.ly/VantagensEDesvantagens Tutoriais Gerais Sobre Desenvolvimento de Jogos http://bit.ly/TutoriaisGeraisCriarJogos Jogos Feitos na Blender Game Engine http://bit.ly/JogosFeitosnaBGE Divulgação de Jogos dos Inscritos http://bit.ly/DivulgaçãodeJogos ———– Produtos Curso Para Iniciantes na Unreal Engine 4 https://goo.gl/emFS9Z Curso Mais Avançado de…
Blender Low Poly Horse Modeling (Timelapse)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XBSKlATKXmA/hqdefault.jpg Modeling a low poly horse in Blender. Take a look at my website for more tutorials: http://www.blenderpassion.com. Comments, critique, and questions welcome! BlendSwap Model Fully Rigged: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/74846 source