Tag: blender modeling tutorial

  • Jewelry Design Tutorial: Ring with number of diamonds

    Jewelry Design Tutorial: Ring with number of diamonds

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ERtoAyDEwcY/hqdefault.jpg This tutorial for those who already familiar with Blender modelling tools. Download finished blend file: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/87858 JewelCraft add-on: https://youtu.be/XZ6uIdNnrHk Booltron add-on: https://youtu.be/KxbJSUQpw7I Spreading gemstones on surface is the most frequent task in jewelry design. In this tutorial you will know what is the pave setting and how to spread diamonds on surface according to…

  • Maquillaje en ROSA MALVA dramatico/ Dramatic Pink Mauve makeup tutorial | auroramakeup

    Maquillaje en ROSA MALVA dramatico/ Dramatic Pink Mauve makeup tutorial | auroramakeup

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JRBGLHxy0qo/hqdefault.jpg AMORES, despues de una semana de GARNACHAS aqui me tienen compartiendo este look en tonos malva rosa femenino que se vera super bien de cara completa JAJAJAJA Este video fue hecho a la carrera porque estaba empacando para viajar a CDMX pero lo hice con mucho cariño ! Hope u like this PINK MAUVE…

  • Blender Animation Lamborghini rig very simple tutorial

    Blender Animation Lamborghini rig very simple tutorial

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RgdJRShO8yo/hqdefault.jpg These just 3d animation from blender software for entertainment purpose. The result of learning to do the vehicles animation. Thanks for Watching ! have fun! source

  • WEIRD SH!T EP005 – Particle Prowess [BLENDER]

    WEIRD SH!T EP005 – Particle Prowess [BLENDER]

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IuwiFAIGdoM/hqdefault.jpg Particles, particles, particles! In this episode I explore some of the options you have to control and manipulate Blender’s particle system. Download the scene file here: http://ftp.mantissa.xyz/tutorials/weird_shit/ws_005/Weird.Shit.EP005.blend 01:20 Particle Scattering 06:10 Particle Shading 14:30 Texture Controls 18:50 Particle Forces 23:30 Particles Emitting Particles 28:00 Particle Trails For more particle goodness, check out my Blender…

  • 3D Blender only giveaway!

    3D Blender only giveaway!

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/A-xynRpEn0k/hqdefault.jpg Legend FX Rules to enter: 1) Sub to me 2) Like the video 3) Comment your name [ 4 Letters ] ( If you want I can remove or add something ) 4) Don’t cheat at 1 and 2 ( I will check! ) Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I12ZeCker_w source

  • Trying the Silisponge lol – Edward Avila

    Trying the Silisponge lol – Edward Avila

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/g4lMcPyTLxY/hqdefault.jpg Silisponge: -(Amazon) http://amzn.to/2lXP7iS -(Memebox KR) http://bit.ly/2mf8jel ////////////////////////////////////////// Instagram: http://instagram.com/edweird0 Snapchat: ed-weirdo FOR BUSINESS ONLY: Email: edwardgavila@yahoo.com FTC Disclaimer: I’m an affiliate of Amazon and Rewardstyle, and in the case that you click on the links (Amazon/Rewardstyle) and purchase these products through them, I do make a small commission. I do not however purchase and…

  • Physic Car wheel drifitng fail tutorial Blender

    Physic Car wheel drifitng fail tutorial Blender

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6ICVOJm3-XI/hqdefault.jpg These just 3d animation from blender software for entertainment purpose. The result of learning to do the vehicles animation. Thanks for Watching ! have fun! source

  • Space VFX Elements Video Course for Blender | Promo Video

    Space VFX Elements Video Course for Blender | Promo Video

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3g8XxmqSP90/hqdefault.jpg http://bit.ly/Space-VFX-Blender – Get this video course (+FREE 1.1 update) Creating a 3D universe is hard… no longer! After watching this 16+ hours video course you’ll be ready to create any space object in Blender. Quasars, gas giants, planets, black holes, asteroids and more. Aidy Burrows and Gleb Alexandrov, two Blender geeks joined forces to…

  • Blender 3D – Modeling #23 Benelli M4 Super 90 – Part 1

    Blender 3D – Modeling #23 Benelli M4 Super 90 – Part 1

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9-E24td8r0U/hqdefault.jpg real time modeling video of a benelli m4 super 90, the only way I found to join the three parts video was recording over the videos, its complicated but the image still looks nice, hope you enjoy, blender 2.78 part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk7HQrjqGVg Download Blender: https://www.blender.org/ my Discord server: https://discord.gg/zqg7dPz ..I will try to bring…

  • DIY: Making An Edible Fish Aquarium | Sophia Says

    DIY: Making An Edible Fish Aquarium | Sophia Says

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4h_Zp4HcAfY/hqdefault.jpg Hiiii guys! I’ve got a fun summer treat for you! I’ll show you how to bring an aquarium to life in the kitchen! So much love to Jill Cimorelli for being my YouTube Guru! 💕 All you’ll need is Jello, Candy Fish, and Nerds candy to bring this to life! source