Tag: blendshape

  • Rooster Teeth ‘RWBY’ Tutorial #1: Using Maya’s Blend Shapes for a ‘Breeze Effect’

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KMpME1yhLK8/hqdefault.jpg Rooster Teeth’s Rigging Artist, Gio Coutinho gives a rundown on using Maya’s Blend Shape weights to simulate a ‘breeze effect’ for Ruby’s clothing in the hit web series, RWBY. See more Rooster Teeth x Maya Tutorials: http://autode.sk/2DNjpvS Head over to our Learning hub to get more Maya tutorials! http://autode.sk/2eiY7yt Wanna try it for yourself?…

  • Unity Character Customization with Blendshapes – Part 1/4

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ypRhJAfJXAc/hqdefault.jpg UPDATE: https://youtu.be/y9-14pySnmA Character creation that you see in AAA games where you can use sliders to morph the face as you want. You do not need 3D modeling experience for this tutorial. We will learn how to import a model from make human to blender and configure it to be used in blender. Project:…