Tag: bootstr…

  • Curso Bootstrap #05: Criando a área de about da empresa (grid)

    Curso Bootstrap #05: Criando a área de about da empresa (grid)

    [ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/84Zfbaq2b7A/hqdefault.jpg Nesta aula vamos criar mais uma área do site, que é onde são colocadas informações chave sobre a empresa, vamos utilizar muito o conceito de grid (container, row e columns). ★ Nossos Cursos: https://horadecodar.com.br/cursos-horadecodar/ ✔ Nosso Blog: https://horadecodar.com.br/ ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/horadecodar/ ▶ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matheusbattisti/ ▶ GitHub: https://github.com/matheusbattisti/ Original source

  • view-upload-download files in database (WITH:xampp,mysql,html,bootstrap-css)

    view-upload-download files in database (WITH:xampp,mysql,html,bootstrap-css)

    [ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KlowlIE4NGY/hqdefault.jpg code : https://github.com/selvabharathis/Web-Designing/blob/master/php-mysql-xampp(upload_files-delete_files-view_filse).rar Original source

  • BOOTSTRAP Review | Best CSS Library ?

    BOOTSTRAP Review | Best CSS Library ?

    [ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VmixcbmOWbo/hqdefault.jpg Today I review the most famous and popular CSS third party library : Bootstrap. I will go through my experience with it these last four months and check its mains pros and cons. I will check these main four fileds to valorate Bootstrap: Design, Performance, Learning Curve and Price. Personally I love this…

  • How To Create Responsive Mega Menu In HTML And CSS | Bootstrap Mega Menu By Amazing Techno Tutorials

    How To Create Responsive Mega Menu In HTML And CSS | Bootstrap Mega Menu By Amazing Techno Tutorials

    [ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/i9liI43bO70/hqdefault.jpg How To Create Responsive Mega Menu In HTML And CSS | Bootstrap Mega Menu By Amazing Techno Tutorials Today I’am going to teach you how you can create mega drop down menu in a easy step by step tutorial. https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css “Amazing Techno Tutorials” Amazing Techno Tutorial AmazingTechnoTutorials Original source

  • Bootstrap tabs plugin

    Bootstrap tabs plugin

    [ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RUd3TMZ-Xqg/hqdefault.jpg Tags twitter bootstrap tabs tutorial bootstrap tabs example bootstrap tabs fade example bootstrap justified tabs example bootstrap nav tabs justified bootstrap tabs with dropdowns bootstrap tabs with drop down example bootstrap tab dropdown menu bootstrap tabs simple example bootstrap tabs animation bootstrap tab pane active not working bootstrap tab pane set active Link…