CSS en el 2021 – ¡No utilizarás Bootstrap! | la función CodelyTV 47
[ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5ATR5FKPb_U/hqdefault.jpg Aprovechamos que se acaba el año para ver qué futuro le viene al CSS.
Además le vamos a echar un ojo a Tailwind, media queries, styled components… ¡Y mucho más!
Links relacionados ├
Estado del CSS: https://2020.stateofcss.com └
Curso de Arquitectura CSS: https://pro.codely.tv/library/arquitectura-css {
} CodelyTV ├
Suscríbete: https://youtube.com/c/CodelyTV?sub_co……
Bootstrap tutorial 4 | Grid System part1 very good explained
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From Bootstrap to CSS Grid: Move Forward Without Breaking Anything! – Natalya Shelburne
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Build a Mosaic Portfolio Layout with CSS Grid
[ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/plRcoRqLriw/hqdefault.jpg The CSS Grid is here, and this is my first real look at how to use it. To start with, I wanted to look at how we can make a cool looking layout in the simplest way possible, so all we’re dealing with here is setting up the grid template, and then using…
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CSS Grid Changes EVERYTHING – Amazing Presentation
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Flexbox vs. CSS Grid — Which is Better?
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