Tag: data types

  • JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners in Nepali || Data Type

    In this tutorial you will learn what is javascript in Nepali. You can learn why we use javascript in Nepali.This tutorial teach you all about Data type in nepali language. A rock solid understanding of JavaScript is essential for success, no matter which framework you use. This tutorial will give you that.Learn Javascript in nepali…

  • JavaScript Tutorial Part 4 – Primitives

    JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners Learning Curve Books: http://www.learningcurvebook.net Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/js_tut Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/javascriptteacher Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/javascriptteacher There are 7 primitive data types in JavaScript (object may or may not be a primitive per se, but it is often used in the discussion of primitive data types in JavaScript.) EcmaScript6 adds a new primitive data type…