How to build a Photography Portfolio Website using a SmugMug Template, Tutorial with Dog Photography
#photography #portfolio #website How to build a Photography Portfolio Website using a SmugMug Template and dog photography photos – SmugMug Tutorial Use SmugMug for any type of photography portfolio of images online CLICK HERE FOR DISCOUNT OFF any New account with SmugMug http://shrsl.com/3c9lc Timestamps 0:00 Intro 0:45 Upload photos 5:00 Choose a SmugMug template 6:11…
Photo Face Retouching Photoshop 7.0 Tutorials Tamil
#Indiradigital Telegram Channel link : https://t.me/indiradigital Telegram Group Link : https://t.me/joinchat/OgDg4QF_YQs1NTBl Color Grading : https://youtu.be/wIHtXJiWI9U Flex Design : https://youtu.be/pczJyNCurUI Photo Backround Change : https://youtu.be/NRXWCk5Z8KI Oil Painting : https://youtu.be/LL9jm-UCGsY Soft skin action : https://youtu.be/DGZL3c9979g Free Flex Design : https://youtu.be/a0U0e9uDFkg Fit to Image : https://youtu.be/YpMWTZbrb3c Digital Painting : https://youtu.be/Ymga8wX7-XQ Skin Softing : https://youtu.be/DGZL3c9979g Skin retouching & color…
Beginners Photography Photoshop Tutorials – Digital Backgrounds And Props
http://www.newportraitbiz.com/tips – Learn How To use Digital Props & Backgrounds in your photography business. For more videos visit…http://newportraitbiz.com Original source
Photoshop CS6 tutorial – Digital make up
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5NZkLaf4kgQ/hqdefault.jpg Photoshop CS6 tutorial – Digital make up Create digital make up in just few steps using Adobe Photoshop. You can change eye shadow for any color you want. This method can be used for lip stick and blusher as well. Direct link to article: http://photoshoptutorials.eu/digital-makeup Find more on: http://photoshoptutorials.eu *** LIKE Photoshop Tutorials on…
CGI 3D Tutorial : "Using Animation Layers in Maya" – by 3dmotive
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PuB6pOX1JnQ/hqdefault.jpg Check out this great tutorial as Matt Tardiff teaches you the basics of using the powerful animation layers inside of Maya.You”ll also learn the advantages of using layers to add additional texture, flavor and style to any existing animation. For more information, please see the details and links below: High Quality Training by Game…
Rick Sammon's Top Ten Digital Photography Tips
Shot on location in the Desert of Fire, NV. Original source
DSLR Light Metering (Matrix, Evaluative, Center weighted, Spot)for Portraits Photography Tutorials
http://photographyequipment.yolasite.com/ (Budget Equipment) https://www.facebook.com/JibranAPhotography (For Extra Help) https://plus.google.com/u/0/117707896463999833994/posts (GooglePlus) Tweets by PhotogsOnUTube This video talks about different types of light metering used in your DSLR like Matrix light metering or Evaluative light metering or Spot or center weighted light metering for your correct exposure. Original source
WHAT IS JPEG? 2 MINUTE Photography Tutorials for Beginners
Support this content by Picking up a one-off “Aperture Blade” T-Shirt! http://kreativetechla.spreadshirt.com/ Follow me on these social outlets: http://www.facebook.com/KreativeTechLA Tweets by KreativeTechLA http://www.instagram.com/KreativeTechLA http://KreativeTechLA.blogspot.com http://www.pintrest.com/KreativeTechLA http://KreativeTech.tumblr.com CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR MY MONTHLY NEWS LETTER: http://eepurl.com/gVbSb ========================================= “What is RAW” is one of many easy to digest video snippets from full length tutorial videos…
What is ISO? Photography tutorials for beginners
You know that all the magic happens and you get awesome photos when you shoot on manual but what is ISO and what does it do your photos? In this episode of my photography tutorials for beginners I share the ins and outs of ISO so you know how to get the best photos! Keep…
[ Photoshop Tutorial ] VEXEL ART – ANIME LOOKS [ PART 1 – LINE ]
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zTjnI1ELuUU/hqdefault.jpg Hello everyone, In this video tutorial, I’ll show you how to create Vexel or Vector art in photoshop easily. ——————————————
SUBSCRIBE my channel for more tutorials : http://bit.ly/SafiiClon —————————————— Kalau kalian Suka dengan Video ini, Jangan Lupa SUBSCRIBE & LIKE yaa… ^_^ Silahkan kasih komentar, Kritik & saran yg membangun untuk Channel ini……