Advanced Skeleton Setup Maya 2018 Tutorial -Fish Rig Body and face
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NsdqcbyJll8/hqdefault.jpg In this video you can learn how to make rig fish with Advance Skeleton, edit rig ,edit joint ,how to add more joint and how painting skin weigh with joint. ======================
SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCno_IkITMvTRCMVsmRg9qEw/featured ====================== How to Create Growing Flower Part 01: Growing Flower Part 02: Blooming Flower Part 03: Connect the plant with…
Photography to another LEVEL. #Creative Photo Ideas
This amazing group of photographers are a great example of what creativity achieves when you are having fun! They show you how to accomplish great photos using simple tricks. With crazy effects and tricks we are sure you will enjoy learning from amazing creators! Let us know if you try any of this amazing ideas!…
Pixel Art – Photoshop Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hFZBUWHVSrM/hqdefault.jpg In this video we configure Photoshop for making Pixel Art and create our first 2D sprite. ● 2D Mega Pack: http://devassets.com/assets/2d-mega-pack/ Difficulty of lesson: Novice. Share your designs! @BrackeysTweet This tuutorial is designed to suit a 2D workflow with the upcoming 2D tools in Unity 4.3. Website: http://brackeys.com Donate: http://brackeys.com/donate/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brackeys Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BrackeysTweet…
Autodesk Maya Spaceship Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zzzmAd0QIW8/hqdefault.jpg A beginner tutorial that focuses on the extrude tool to build a spaceship in Autodesk Maya. source
Photoshop CS6 – Whitening Teeth – Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ttuE6mZEVIU/hqdefault.jpg Discover the key dietary secrets that will enable you to lose weight, feel great and lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes now.. http://www.brusheezy.com/ – FREE Photoshop Brushes Photoshop Difficulty Level : 1.2/10.00 In this tutorial you will be learning how to whiten teeth. Easy to follow ✓ High Definition ✓ I’m pretty…
Maya 2018 Basic Joint/Skin Rigging For Beginners
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/J7M_NunDNwQ/hqdefault.jpg Getting comfortable with Maya rigging technique could be quite easy. In this short video, we would go through the very basic method of adding joints to out character, skinning and weight painting, so if you are new to rigging or new to Maya don;t worry as most of the steps only require you having…
Photoshop Tutorial – Partikel Effekt / Dispersions Effekt – (Anleitung, Deutsch, HD)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jMa1fA8z0Mc/hqdefault.jpg Marcel Happe erklärt euch wie ihr den Partikel Effekt / Particle Effect oder den Dispersion Effekt in Photoshop erstellen könnt. Das Bild ist aus dem Stock von Feastock auf Deviantart http://faestock.deviantart.com/art/Valentine29-367365502 Die Brushes findet ihr hier http://www.brusheezy.com/search/smoke Ausrüstung powered by: Speedlink —————————————————– Hol dir mein Tablet; http://bit.ly/1wRZOVI Hol dir meine Tastatur: http://bit.ly/1yNld0l ——————————————————————————- Wenn…
PIXEL ART in Photoshop (Tutorial)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rLdA4Amea7Y/hqdefault.jpg Learn how to create Pixel Art in Photoshop! ♥ Support Brackeys on Patreon: http://patreon.com/brackeys/ ···················································································· ♥ Donate: http://brackeys.com/donate/ ♥ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1kMekJV ● Website: http://brackeys.com/ ● Facebook: https://facebook.com/brackeys/ ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrackeysTweet/ ···················································································· Edited by the awesome Sofibab and Lebonques. ···················································································· ► All content by Brackeys is 100% free. We believe that education should be available…
Photoshop CS6 tutorial – Digital make up
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5NZkLaf4kgQ/hqdefault.jpg Photoshop CS6 tutorial – Digital make up Create digital make up in just few steps using Adobe Photoshop. You can change eye shadow for any color you want. This method can be used for lip stick and blusher as well. Direct link to article: http://photoshoptutorials.eu/digital-makeup Find more on: http://photoshoptutorials.eu *** LIKE Photoshop Tutorials on…
Photoshop Tutorial: Sin City Fotolook
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/47kE1a1VUgI/hqdefault.jpg Ein altbekannter Fotolook: der Sin City Effekt, bei dem innerhalb eines Schwarz-Weiß-Bildes ein Objekt farblich hervorgehoben wird. Wie ihr diesen coolen Look in Photoshop mit wenigen Klicks umsetzen könnt, das zeige ich euch in diesem Tutorial. ► Photo by Ksenia Chernaya https://bit.ly/3Av4hBx (Pexels.com) ►►Mehr Photoshop Tutorials und die vollständige PSD-Datei gibt’s auf: http://www.pcobolton.de oder…