Tag: event delegation

  • javascript.info The Modern JavaScript Tutorial Part 2: 2.2 Bubbling and Capturing

    javascript.info The Modern JavaScript Tutorial Part 2: 2.2 Bubbling and Capturing by Ilya Kantor Youtube by Lisa Friedrichsen This youtube covers the issue of how event handlers fire when multiple elements are clicked on a web page as defined by bubbling versus capturing. The addEventListener() method is used with both bubbling (the default) versus capturing…

  • javascript.info The Modern JavaScript Tutorial Part 2: 2.3 Event Delegation

    javascript.info The Modern JavaScript Tutorial Part 2: 2.3 Event Delegation by Ilya Kantor Youtube by Lisa Friedrichsen This youtube gives a simple example of event delegation using a bingo scorecard. Event delegation allows you to write one event handler, attach it to a parent element, and trigger the same handler on all child elements through…

  • JavaScript in Half an Hour (Without jQuery!)

    JavaScript tutorial for beginners where we learn the basics in a little over half an hour. Link to my new “Git a Developer Job” course: https://www.udemy.com/git-a-web-developer-job-mastering-the-modern-workflow/?couponCode=YOUTUBE-HALF-OFF Add me on Twitter for webDev updates and cat pics: https://twitter.com/learnwebcode Original source