Tag: flex

  • Bootstrap 4 – Layout flex vertical com Bootstrap e CSS3

    Bootstrap 4 – Layout flex vertical com Bootstrap e CSS3

    [ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vg225aQGsH0/hqdefault.jpg Aprenda a criar layouts com o recurso Flex do CSS3, distribuindo os elementos verticalmente. Nesta vídeo-aula, há uma combinação das classes do Bootstrap 4 com o recurso flex do CSS3. Original source

  • Bootstrap 4: Flexbox Grid Tutorial by Bootstrap CSS Girl

    Bootstrap 4: Flexbox Grid Tutorial by Bootstrap CSS Girl

    [ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JW6h8WdfI_c/hqdefault.jpg In this Bootstrap 4 Flexbox Grid Tutorial, I will discuss the flexbox utility classes within Bootstrap 4. I will show code examples and illustrations. Topics include flex direction with flex-row and flex-column, as well as, flex item alignment with justify-content and align-items classes. Flex Grid You use the justify-content classes in Bootstrap 4…

  • Rich Homie Quan – Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bWMw4vE3J8s/hqdefault.jpg For the single, “Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh)”. Available Now! iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/qfrv2xh Spotify: http://tinyurl.com/hg2j23z Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/qevy87v Google Play: http://tinyurl.com/p2srzzw Check out the “Flex (KE On The Track Remix). Directed by Be El Be Official music video by Rich Homie Quan performing Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh). 2015 Think It’s A Game Entertainment, LLC source

  • Android Login Form Tutorial with mySQL and PHP

    Android Login Form Tutorial with mySQL and PHP

    Buy this as a 2 hour tutorial for only $7 here: http://goo.gl/QVevH This tutorial will show you have to make an Android app have an initial login screen for a user to … source