Tag: frames

  • 1,000,000,000,000 Frames/Second Photography – Ramesh Raskar

    1,000,000,000,000 Frames/Second Photography – Ramesh Raskar

    Ramesh Raskar: An Immigrant’s Story Big Think Editors on September 30, 2011, 2:04 PM What’s the Latest Development? Born to a family of farmers in India, Ramesh Raskar was first inspired to pursue computer graphics after seeing the special effects of Jurassic Park. His story is not an unfamiliar one for a first generation immigrant:…

  • Maya Animation Tutorial for Beginners – Bouncing Balls, Heavy and Light HD

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9tr_9ZZ-z2g/hqdefault.jpg Maya Animation Tutorial for Beginners – Bouncing Balls, Heavy and Light HD In this part of the tutorial you will create bouncing balls of different weights which is a key and fundamental animation exercise before you move onto more complicated character animations. In this animation tutorial for beginners series misterh3d will walk you through…

  • Maya Animation Tutorial for Beginners – Graph Editor HD

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wjR761Tkpdo/hqdefault.jpg Maya Animation Tutorial for Beginners – Graph Editor HD PROJECT FILES DOWNLOAD https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxg-eG6ohOMvQjNmYlVGVnlnZlk/edit?usp=sharing In this animation tutorial for beginners misterh3d will walk you through the very basics of animation inside maya. You will learn about animation preferences, graph editor, time slider, range slider and finally setting key frames to start animating basic objects. You…

  • Blender 3D Make Human Tutorial: Blender 2.6 Facial Animation Basics

    Blender 3D Make Human Tutorial: Blender 2.6 Facial Animation Basics

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IczhdEDg-ok/hqdefault.jpg Hi YouTube! This tutorial covers the basics of facial animations using Make Human and Blender 3D. Expect a more advanced tutorial when I have time =) Remember to Enable MHX Importer from the add on menu and to make sure the right importer is installed. Visit MakeHuman.org for more information. I think it’s under…