Full Color Correction Tutorial for Photographers – Lightroom & Photoshop Tutorials
This tutorial starts with the basics and explains a little bit of the why and how of color correction a little more in-depth than my other videos. Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/modifiedphoto See more tips, tricks and product reviews online at http://www.ModifiedPhotoGraphics.com Original source
Tutorial to connect Java Maven Program to MariaDb Mysql database in Microsoft Azure
This is tutorial video how to deploy Maria db mysql database in Microsoft Azure and Connect there with Java program. In this tutorial we also connect to mysql … Original source
Creating a blockchain with Javascript (Blockchain, part 1)
Learn how to write your own Blockchain with JavaScript. In this video I’ll show you what is behind a blockchain by using simple code. It’s not a complete implementation, but enough to understand how blockchains work and how they guarantee that blocks can never be changed. After creating our blockchain we’ll try and tamper with…
Unity+Blender: Simple Building Tutorial 1/2
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/oLdSq3PaNd4/hqdefault.jpg In this video we model a very simple building. Part 2: http://youtu.be/omggv3gDH_k Feel free to ask lots and lots of questions in the comments! Download complete projects here: http://quill18.com/unity_tutorials/ Here are some links to much better Blender resources: http://www.blender.org/education-help/tutorials/ http://www.youtube.com/user/ward7299 http://www.blenderguru.com/ http://cgcookie.com/blender/ ==================== Visit my website and vote on games! http://towerdive.com Follow me on…
2D In Blender 2.8 Is Amazing!
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cy_thd8Idsw/hqdefault.jpg Grease Pencil got a massive boost in Blender 2.8, turning Blender into a powerful tool for 2D drawing and animation. In this video we look at the new 2D functionality, first creating a simple animated 2D using drawing and sculpting tools. We then look at custom materials, fills and line styles and more. Finally…
Should you go to College for Photography
Just our thoughts on going to college if you’re interested in starting your own photography business. These are our opinions based on our own personal experiences, we are not experts! At the end of the day, it’s your own decision, follow what’s best for what you want to do! Sorry for the dark film! We…
Create a car in blender with cycles
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yL9PnSIdy_4/hqdefault.jpg In this tutorial i’m showing how to create a car in blender with the cycles render engine. It was my first time and i didn’t had any knowledge about car modeling. I think that is a great point for a lot of people that are in the same position and good to know that…
Javascript Tutorial – 6 – Arrays
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Blender Tutorial Making a Model of a Goblet/Wine Glass Using the Spin Tool (Lathe Operation)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YRgcXnd1Wl4/hqdefault.jpg This tutorial shows how to make a 3D mesh model of a goblet using the Spin tool, a lathe operation similar to a real world lathe tool. Key points How to start a mesh model from scratch by deleting all the vertices of the default cube. How to add, move and delete vertices to…
How to solve a common Blender GPU timeout render error (windows)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/f6VW0KgCv4o/hqdefault.jpg For those who don’t know, here’s a little trick I’ve been using for a long time: Windows has a setting that resets your graphics-card driver if it takes longer than a certain amount of time to finish a calculation. Quite often the default value is way too low for Blender/Cycles GPU rendering, and this…