Tag: immutability

  • ReactCasts #9 – Immutability in JavaScript

    In this episode I’ll talk about why immutability is important and how it can benefit you. I will draw some comparisons between JavaScript (which doesn’t treat data as immutable by default) and programming languages that have immutability built in. Finally, I will show how to make immutable operations in plain Javascript. Episode Source Code: https://github.com/cassiozen/ReactCasts/tree/master/episode9…

  • David Nolen – Immutability, interactivity & JavaScript (FutureJS 2014)

    This is a talk from Barcelona FutureJS 2014 (http://futurejs.org). Surprisingly the high performance mutation available in modern JavaScript engines is a great foundation for building high performance immutable collections. Even more surprisingly efficient immutable collections permit new ways of approaching user interface programming. While the details will be in Om, an immutable user interface toolkit…