Tag: jav…

  • JavaScript tutorial 104 – JavaScript String Methods | String Functions

    String object properties and methods: var name = “I am javascript language”; document.write(name); Note: when we use member access operator (dot) on a primitive string variable it is implicitly converted to a string object. Properties: length: – returns the total number of characters present in a given string Ex: document.write(name.length); // 24 Methods: charAt(index:Number):String –…

  • Build A Speed Typing Game With JavaScript – Tutorial

    Learning web development can be tough and boring, but it doesn’t have to be. In this video we take a look at creating a simple JavaScript speed typing game. This is a great project for anyone just getting started with JavaScript/CSS or anyone that wants to create a fun project since it covers important concepts…

  • Javascript Async Await, Promesas y Callbacks

    Aprende a utilizar una de las ultimas caracteristicas de Javascript Ecmascript6+ para el manejo de código asíncrono. En este vídeo entenderemos como este lenguaje de programación utiliza los callbacks, y las promesas para luego pasar a la nueva caracteristica de async/await. CÓDIGO FINAL: https://github.com/FaztWeb/async-await-introduction INDICE DEL VIDEO: 1. Explicación de Callback, Promesas y async/await: 1:17…

  • JavaScript: SEO Mythbusting

    In this third episode of SEO Mythbusting, Martin Splitt (WebMaster Trends Analyst, Google) and his guest Jamie Alberico (SEO Product Manager, Arrow Electronics) discuss the issues of JavaScript in the context of SEO, such as: Where do misconceptions about SEO & JavaScript come from? (0:00) Is JavaScript the devil 🙂 ? (1:56) Lazy loading in…

  • [01] Tự học Javascript – Viết chương trình đầu tiên

    Trong bài này mình sẽ giới thiệu khái niệm về javascript là gì và cách viết mã javascript ở ba dạng inline, external và internal. Trong ba dạng này thì mình sẽ trình bày nên sử dụng dạng nào để viết Javascript luôn. Đây là một series giúp bạn học Javascript một cách hiệu quả,…

  • JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners | Learn JavaScript From Scratch

    JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners | Learn JavaScript From Scratch Learn More about JavaScript @ https://goo.gl/Txghmq What is JavaScript ?? JavaScript is a client-side scripting language.JavaScript is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. 0:03 – Introduction to JavaScript 6:44 – Comments and Statements 11:51 – Variables 18:34 –…

  • JavaScript Tutorial – Get Or Remove Random Array Elements

    Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/video/JavaScript/Get-or-Remove-Random-Array-Elements-Tutorial Since JavaScript does not have built in methods for selecting or removing array elements randomly, we will demonstrate how to extend the Array object to supply it with those types of methods. The first example shows how to get a random array element without affecting the original array, the second example shows…

  • Javascript Tutorial For Beginners – #4 Javascript Arrays & Loops

    This Javascript tutorial covers Javascript arrays and looping arrays in Javascript. Arrays store lists of items of any type. You can iterate a Javascript array with loops, making it easy to run actions on all of the items in the array. This is a Free Javascript Course designed for beginners. These Javascript lessons cover the…

  • Javascript Tutorial For Beginners – #3 Javascript Functions Tutorial

    This Javascript tutorial covers functions in Javascript. Functions are a great way to store your code in reusable pieces of Javascript code that can be run at any time. This is a Free Javascript Course designed for beginners. These Javascript lessons cover the basics of Javascript and programming basics from the very beginning. In the…