Tag: js tutorials

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #18 – Break & Continue

    Break and Continue are two reserved keywords in JavaScript that help us when trying to ‘get out’ of a loop, and we’ll cover both in this tutorial. Break, as the name suggests, breaks out of a loop at any given point, and Continue just tells the loop to ‘skip’ this particular iteration and carries on…

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #10 – Logging to the Console

    Hey ninjas, in this JavaScript lesson I’ll be showing you a couple of quick and easy ways to test your JavaScript code and variable values. These include the Console.log method, as well as the Document.write method. You don’t need to worry too much about the Document and Console objects so much yet, as we’ll be…

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #20 – Functions

    Hey class, so in this JavaScript tutorial I want to introduce you to the world of functions. Yep, I think you’re ready for them :). Functions allow you to chunk parts of code together into logical sections, and call that code at any time. For example, you may have a function to cycle through all…

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #25 – Slice and Split Strings

    Yo ninjas, I just want to show you a couple of neat little string methods (functions) in this JavaScript tutorial. The slice method and the split method. The slice method literally ‘slices’ your string into a new segment defined by starting and ending points. The split method, splits a string into multiple ‘pockets’ and puts…

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #17 – For Loops

    An easier way to iterate through a loop is via the for loop, which we’ll talk about in this JavaScript tutorial. A for loop does exactly the same thing as a while loop, but it has the advantage of organizing it’s components more locally and neater. As always, if you have any questions, fire ahead…

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #44 – VERY Simple Form Validation

    Hey guys, so in this tutorial I want to show you what we can do with another form method – the onsubmit method. The onsubmit method in JavaScript lets us interrupt the process of the form being sent to the server, so that we can perform some client side validation first and save time. If…

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #5 – Google Chrome Developer Tools

    Yo everyone. So in this JavaScript tutorial I want to show you the basics of the Google Chrome developer tools that ship freely with Google Chrome. The developer tools are a wicked tool for debugging not only JavaScript, but also HTML & CSS as well as running other site diagnostics such as site speed &…

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #38 – Removing Elements from the DOM

    Hey guys, in the last JS tutorial I showed you how to insert new HTML elements into the DOM. In this lesson, I’ll show you how to remove elements from the DOM! We can remove elements from the DOM in JavaScript via the removeChild() method. If you have any questions, fire away 🙂 SUBSCRIBE TO…

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #42 – JavaScript Timers

    Yo ninjas, in this tutorial I want to teach to you the amazingness of JavaScript timers :). Timers are used all over the show in JavaScript, in anything from popup forms to image sliders. They are a cool feature of JavaScript and well worth mastering if you want to create slightly more advanced interactivity! The…

  • JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #41 – Window onLoad Event

    So in this JavaScript tutorial for beginners, I want to show you another kind of JavaScript event – the Window.onload event! The Window object in JavaScript represents the browser window of your web page, and the onload event is the completion of your web page loading. Many times it’s useful to only start our JavaScript…