Blender 2.7 Tutorial #27 : The Boolean Modifier
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pcUe-ab_jQs/hqdefault.jpg Visit my Blender 2.7 Tutorial Series playlist for more Blender Tutorials: In this Tutorial #27 I cover: -How to use the boolean modifier in Blender to combine two objects in three different ways: -Use one object to cut a hole in another object (difference) -Join to objects (union) -Keep only the portion of the…
3D Car Modeling Tutorial pt.1 | Autodesk Maya | Modeling a Lamborghini Huracan
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/J64qYhdmP54/hqdefault.jpg This tutorial is designed to teach you how to use Autodesk Maya’s tools and techniques to model a photorealistic Lamborghini Huracan. Be sure to Subscribe for future episodes. Setting up Blueprints in Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop Part 1 – https://youtu.be/5T7Y35OXYA8 source
HTML5 Tutorial – 25 – Working with JavaScript in HTML5
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/TheNewBoston-464114846956315/ GitHub – https://github.com/buckyroberts Google+ – https://plus.google.com/+BuckyRoberts LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/buckyroberts reddit – https://www.reddit.com/r/thenewboston/ Support – https://www.patreon.com/thenewboston thenewboston – https://thenewboston.com/ Twitter – https://twitter.com/bucky_roberts Original source
Javascript Digital Clock Tutorial CSS Custom Animated Clock on Your Website
Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/video/JavaScript/Digital-Clock-Tutorial-Custom-Animated-Clock Learn some excellent Javascript fundamentals by working with Javascript functions, variables, the Date object, a looped timer, communicating with page elements in real time, and more to create a custom animated digital clock that will run in all major browser software and on smart phone browsers. Original source
JavaScript Tutorials #12 – Breaks – How To Create A Guessing Game
The 12th video in our JavaScript Tutorials series. Here, we create a basic number guessing game using a loop and a break statement to exit our loop. Original source
Boudoir Photography: Flow Posing
Jen shares her best posing tips for boudoir photography! http://cr8.lv/jrboudoirbootcampyt In this clip from Boudoir Bootcamp, Jen Rozenbaum has a model demonstrate “The Rotisserie Chicken” method of posing which allows her to seamlessly shoot a wide variety of looks while making sure the subject is comfortable and the she gets the shots she needs. For…
JavaScript Change CSS Class Style className Toggle Tutorial
Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/video/JavaScript/Change-CSS-Class-Style-className-Toggle-Tutorial Learn to change, toggle and swap CSS classes using JavaScript event handling. Original source
3D Modeling Beginners – Complete Soda Can Modeling Tutorial HD – Autodesk Maya HD
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FNA2AAhO5E8/hqdefault.jpg 3D Modeling basics – Autodesk Maya 2013 – Complete Soda Can Modeling This Video was created by Irvin390 if you like please show your support by subscribing to his channel where you can find many more great tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/user/irvin390?feature=watch In this Modeling tutorial Irvin390 will take you though how to Model a complete soda…
What you can do in Autodesk Maya
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Uhuwt_iO7rg/hqdefault.jpg This is an overview of what things you can do using Autodesk Maya. source
Top 10 Things to Master for Advanced JavaScript
Sponsors: Dev Mountain Coding Bootcamp https://goo.gl/P4vgKS Other Links: Check out my tutorials, blogs and more at my website https://www.hipstercode.com/ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Here is a quick list of things I put together that a lot of JavaScript developers struggle with. I am probably missing a few items on this list but I feel the ones I did…