Photography and Light: Visual Impressions with Joe DiMaggio: Adorama Photography TV
http://www.adorama.com?refby=video AdoramaTV Presents Visual Impressions with Joe DiMaggio. Join Joe as he discusses the importance of lighting in photography. Lighting is an important asset when planning your shot. There are many sources for lighting to effect mood, color, and message of your photograph. In this episode, Joe identifies various light sources and their effects in…
Female Character Blender 3d modeling. Part 1 – Body
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/90IGIX3hIjw/hqdefault.jpg Blender 3d Female Character modeling by Vyusur. Part 1 Time lapse Music from YouTube audio library and by audionautix source
low poly man | Blender | tutorial | beginner
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GAfkQrGWn8A/hqdefault.jpg A quick tutorial for creating a low poly man in blender this is designed for people that have a basic understanding of the interface source
Low Poly Tank | Blender | Beginner tutorial | project | part 2 | Modelling
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/njJ7AxjzSjA/hqdefault.jpg Part 1 – Background images https://youtu.be/VvQeXoUHQaM Part 2 – Modelling https://youtu.be/njJ7AxjzSjA Part 3 – Texturing https://youtu.be/lxremOK6ao8 Part 4 – Exporting https://youtu.be/8qSiaeIhRzM blender basics video series solidify modifier : https://youtu.be/c4AzzECqXe0 array modifier : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbmujxNL-MA this is a good tutorial for arrays. source
CGI 3D Tutorial HD: “Maya Outdoor Lighting” – by Mohammad Sadeh
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UVTFGu78BB8/hqdefault.jpg Check out this ‘Maya Outdoor Lighting Tutorial: Quick Maya Exterior Lighting Setup For Fast Renders’ where you’ll learn Mo’s approach for lighting outdoor environments using Mental Ray for Maya to get fast lighting/rendering results for your outdoor projects, including all the proper MR light settings to quickly and easily make your renders look fantastic!…
How to Model a Low Poly Human Head in Blender: Part 1
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZO77Lgpv57U/hqdefault.jpg Enjoy! links to download the images: front: http://i.imgur.com/3yDixoe.jpg side: http://i.imgur.com/5kiCkuV.jpg Like this tutorial? You can “tip” here! paypal.me/benmorgan28 Check out my T-Shirts! http://www.redbubble.com/people/benjmorgan source
Blender Tutorial: Setting Up Cycles Render For Low Poly Art
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JolXr9hrkco/hqdefault.jpg Really quick and simple tutorial illustrating how I’ve set up my scene for low poly art. This is by no means the only or best way, it is just my way. xD If you think of better possibilities then let me know in the comments below. Cheers, Facebook: ¶ https://www.facebook.com/DBHyden Twitter: ¶ https://twitter.com/DustinHyden ¶…
3D model apple fruit
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jYiJFT7HCvE/hqdefault.jpg The 3d model available here: http://steplont.blogspot.com/2015/10/3d-model-apple-fruit.html 3D model apple fruit Apple 3D 3D model Apple – 3d model. The 3D High quality polygonal model looks like real apple
The low poligonal model has polygonal quads only. The are two rendered versions (with V-ray: 2.00.03 and Default Scanline Render). Texture: 4096 x 4096. Normal…
Modeling 3D Hair – Part 1 – For Game Characters – Maya For Beginners
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ePSm5hqs7FI/hqdefault.jpg Hi guys, I feel like there’s not a lot of tutorials out there for people who need to make lowish poly 3D hair for their game characters, so I went ahead and made this video to show one method of creating hair. Remember to watch at least the first 2 parts as the second…