Tag: maya rigging tutorial

  • Maya Organic Modeling Tutorial – The Leg HD

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Fs-fJCznVQk/hqdefault.jpg Maya Organic Modeling Tutorial – The Leg HD Download the project folder below https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxg-eG6ohOMvYWJqbFhvbThobE0/edit?usp=sharing In this beginner / intermediate maya modeling tutorial misterh3d will walk you through some techniques to model a leg. You will start off with a cube and extrude faces to block out the main shape of the leg while scaling…

  • Tutoriel Maya – Les bases

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cgZJzP0GlxA/hqdefault.jpg Inscrivez-vous à la Newsletter : http://bit.ly/Newsletter-ThibH Tutoriel sur les bases du logiciel 3D Maya. Au programme : La navigation dans la vue 3D. (1:30) L’interface du logiciel. (4:36) La customisation de l’interface. (23:52) Les vertex, les edges et les faces. (28:18) La Hotbox. (36:05) Gérer les objets avec les groupes. (41:28) Créer et assigner…


    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WM0InmB1tYA/hqdefault.jpg RIGGING A CARTOON CHARACTER IN MAYA TUTORIAL source

  • 01.-Mini Curso Autodesk Maya Gratis Interface de Usuario

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BAXKyMQ3KKM/hqdefault.jpg http://institutocardan.com https://facebook.com/Institutocardan Tweets by CardanFX Esta es la primera parte de los 10 videos que conforman este Mini Curso de Maya 2011 dedicado a todos aquellos que se acercan a esta poderosa herramienta por primera vez. Esta pequeña clase te orientara dentro de la estación de trabajo. Para cursos profesionales por favor visita www.InstitutoCardan.com…

  • Maya 2017 tutorial : How to model a simple wooden bucket

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vx-n17nhYPE/hqdefault.jpg Hi guys, after being on the road for a few weeks traveling in the US I thought I would start things off easy by doing a simple wooden bucket in Maya 2017. Here’s the link I mentioned to the video on the “Top 100 animation websites and blogs on the planet” http://blog.feedspot.com/animation_websites/?utm_content=buffer20a00&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Don’t forget…

  • [TUTORIAL] 3D model into video with STEADY CAMERA (with Maya + After Effects)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KiRwfIPl4XU/hqdefault.jpg Learn the very basics of compositing a 3D object into simple video with steady camera. Including intermediate compositing in After Effects source

  • Maya rigging tutorial : Parenting

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6nRl5XW7MBk/hqdefault.jpg In this video I will explain the basics of character rigging using parenting and pivot placement source

  • 3D Autodesk Maya 018 Modelado deformaciones basicas

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/t94tII2TRwE/hqdefault.jpg Nos adentramos en las herramientas de deformación de Autodesk Maya para comprobar de primera mano como modificar nuestros objetos 3d de forma general y ajustar nuestras geometrías rápidamente, doblándolos, estirándolos, creando mallas simples de deformación, etc. Herramientas que a pesar de estar pensadas para el mundo de la animación, nos prestaran una ayuda inestimable…

  • Tutorial modeling Thor hammer -Modelado martillo (maya 3D)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MTCW-5kC8XA/hqdefault.jpg Modelado martillo de Thor en maya 3d, extrude and bevel source

  • Curso Maya 3D Modelando um Robô Drone

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FBVslkoLTzk/hqdefault.jpg PARA CONHECER OUTROS CURSOS ACESSE: http://cgcursos.com/ source