Tag: maya rigging tutorial

  • Verborgene Welten 3D | Trailer deutsch | HD | Maya

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NloPWMqP5yc/hqdefault.jpg Verborgene Welten 3D – Trailer deutsch HD OT: Caves of the Dead Die faszinierende Unterwasserhöhlenwelt der Maya, verborgen in den Cenoten Yucatans (Mexiko), ist Thema der einzigartigen Dokumentation „Verborgene Welten 3D — Die Höhlen der Toten” , die ab dem 15. August 2013 auf der großen Leinwand in 3D zu sehen ist. Der Einstieg…

  • Maya Character modeling tutorial, part 1 – The Body

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sHN1_GBwqcw/hqdefault.jpg Download new, high quality image planes here: http://wp.me/P3V1aP-TC A short tutorial on how to model a character in Maya, that will be properly topologized and suitable for animation. (updated version) When I begin my model in Maya, I start with 3 cylinder – 1 each for the arm, body, and leg. The subdivisions for…

  • autodesk maya leg finger (female)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/a8PYTZRFmYo/hqdefault.jpg be a 3d artist source

  • City Environment 3D Modeling using Autodesk Maya by Wahid Raj

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nfDu6v2SS80/hqdefault.jpg source

  • Maya 3D Basics 10 – Cutting Out Portholes

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hQObzhxSvYE/hqdefault.jpg Cutting square portholes in the side of a ship in Maya 2015. This lecture was recorded as part of 3D Basics at Hennepin Technical College. source

  • Maya 3D – Mechanical Rig – Hand WaterPump

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uKXXqyV6y4o/hqdefault.jpg source

  • Maya HEAD MODELING for ANIMATION tutorial

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vhtI-vKx8YY/hqdefault.jpg Download the image planes used here: http://wp.me/P3V1aP-pz Too fast? Download the extended cut video: http://wp.me/P3V1aP-Bl This Maya tutorial covers the head and face modeling process from start to finish. I show the process I use to model the head and face, first focusing on creating good topology and edge flow, and then how to…

  • Free 3D Character Modeling with Make Human – PhilNolan3D

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RAZZQlikUQU/hqdefault.jpg Make Human is a 100% free and open source program for creating 3D character models. Young, old, male, female, pretty much whatever you need. It’s also very easy to use with simple sliders, yet it offers very detailed controls to get just what you need. This tutorial shows how easy and powerful it is,…

  • Maya-3D.com | Tikal – Mundo Perdido Great Pyramid

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_LdmcaGkZ3Y/hqdefault.jpg 3D-Reconstruction of the Mundo Perdido Great Pyramid in Tikal, Guatemala. All Rights Reserved. source

  • Realistic Tower Destruction

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QK-MrrO30Og/hqdefault.jpg Support me on Patreon if you’d like to receive the .blend files to all upcoming videos, as well as most of these 😉 https://www.patreon.com/MobyMotion Learn to make tower destruction simulations – http://bit.ly/1Mr1r2Y Experimenting with some more realistic texturing and lighting. I’m moving away from keva planks that are orange, and towards them being more…