Tag: Netscape

  • The Weird History of JavaScript

    The history of JavaScript over the last 25 years. How did a simple scripting language for Netscape evolve into the world’s most widely used programming language? https://dev.to/codediodeio/the-weird-history-of-javascript-2bnb Full Course: https://fireship.io/courses/javascript/ #javascript #history Sources: ECMA https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262-arch.htm WorldWideWeb https://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/WorldWideWeb.html Brendan Eich Talk https://thenewstack.io/brendan-eich-on-creating-javascript-in-10-days-and-what-hed-do-differently-today/ Upgrade to Fireship PRO at https://fireship.io/pro Use code lORhwXd2 for 25% off your first…

  • Javascript Tutorial | Introduction to JS for Beginners | Ep1

    Learn Javascript with this programming tutorial for beginners. If you want to start learning Javascript then why not start with the question where did this language come from. This tutorial is brought to you by http://www.avelx.co.uk/ – Coding tutorials to help you grow. Original source

  • Curso de HTML5 – 22 – Introdução ao JavaScript

    Introdução ao JavaScript. Veja como criar programas simples com a linguagem JS, criada e popularizada pela empresa Netscape. Vamos aprender alguns comandos específicos e introdutórios do JavaScript, como o alert, document.write, Date História do JavaScript: em 1992, a OpenWave estava criando a linguagem Cmm, rebatizada para ScriptEase, quando foi comprada pela Netscape. O projeto então…