1,000,000,000,000 Frames/Second Photography – Ramesh Raskar
Ramesh Raskar: An Immigrant’s Story Big Think Editors on September 30, 2011, 2:04 PM What’s the Latest Development? Born to a family of farmers in India, Ramesh Raskar was first inspired to pursue computer graphics after seeing the special effects of Jurassic Park. His story is not an unfamiliar one for a first generation immigrant:…
Pirates of the Caribbean -Soundtr 12- Bootstrap's Bootstraps
[ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AacMBXI2tw8/hqdefault.jpg Soundtrack nr 12 from pirates of the caribbean the curse of the black pearl Original source
masters of photography
overalll of the best photogrophys of the world in the last 100 years. there were more important and big photographers like richard avedon who didnt get in to this video… i might to a nother one.. the video ends with todays young artist who reflects the change of the art in photography from its early…
JavaScript Programming Tutorial 39 – Average of Array Values
Get $250 off DevMountain: http://calebcurry.com/devmountain Read my blog: http://calebcurry.com/javascript-blogs Let’s talk about the average of array values in JavaScript programming! Instagram: http://instagram.com/CalebCurry Twitter: http://twitter.com/calebCurry Facebook: http://bit.ly/CalebCurryFacebook More content: http://CalebCurry.com Support me! http://www.patreon.com/calebcurry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Additional Links~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subscribe to my newsletter: http://eepurl.com/-8qtH Donate!: http://bit.ly/DonateCTVM2. Artist: ARTISS Title: Tropical Summer http://www.hooksounds.com Original source
Photography tutorial – depth of field
A photography tutorial on depth of field with Shelton Muller of Total Image magazine (www.total-image.com.au) Original source
Tutorials Tips & Tricks! “Painting Photography/Editing” by BASE45
How I edit my final painting photos! Original source
Supreme Court On Bharat Stage 4 – 2020 के बाद नहीं होगी बीएस-4 वाहनों की बिक्री Current Affairs 2018
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Stargazing Live: Space Photography Tutorial
Expert astronomer Mark Thompson shows you how to get started in photographing the night sky. Learn how easy it is to capture images of space in your own back garden without using expensive kit. Mark explains techniques for SLR or instant cameras. Taken from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00wnvpf Original source
DOF Depth Of Field – Photography & Filmmaking Tutorial 15
Exclusive film school tutorials: http://tomantosfilms.com/store/ Watch my other videos: http://www.youtube.com/polcan99 In this tutorial I explain what is depth of field and how you can control it. Also I break the old myth that a larger image sensor in your camera equals a smaller depth of field. Please leave any questions you may have in the…