Tag: opensource

  • How game design can help you build better software

    How game design can help you build better software

    [ad_1] Games are an interesting medium. Unlike just about every other popular form of entertainment, such as film, literature, and theatre, games depend on player choice. As a game designer, most of your time is spent crafting which choices to present to the player. The most interesting question to us is: How can we take…

  • How to build cross-platform console apps with .NET Core

    How to build cross-platform console apps with .NET Core

    [ad_1] Although .NET has traditionally been a Windows-only, closed-source proprietary platform, those days are coming to an end. The new .NET Core platform is here and it’s open source and cross-platform. You can now write your C#/.NET code once, on any platform, and run it on Windows, Linux, and macOS. This new .NET platform is…

  • The evolution of OpenStack

    The evolution of OpenStack

    [ad_1] Mark Collier has been involved with OpenStack since the beginning, first at Rackspace where the project emerged as a joint partnership with NASA, and soon after as a co-founder and now Chief Operating Officer of the OpenStack Foundation. I had the opportunity to speak with Mark a few weeks ago to hear more about…

  • 3 big open data trends in the United States

    3 big open data trends in the United States

    [ad_1] The open data community got a surprising piece of news when the Trump Administration recently announced that it would no longer be supporting the Open.whitehouse.gov’s Open Data portal. (Open data is the idea that certain data should be freely viewable and usuable without controls.) Their argument is that the information is duplicative and is either…

  • How I got started with Linux

    How I got started with Linux

    [ad_1] In the late 1980s and into the 1990s, I considered myself a power user of the PC operating system MS-DOS. DOS was a modest system, running only one task at a time, and interacting via the command line to launch applications or simple utilities. As an undergraduate physics student, I relied on DOS to do much…

  • A beginner's guide to Linux syscalls

    A beginner's guide to Linux syscalls

    [ad_1] Over the last couple of years, I’ve been doing a lot of work with containers. Early on I saw a fascinating talk by Julien Friedman where he wrote a bare-bones container in a few lines of Go. It gave me that “a-ha” moment where I grasped that containers are nothing more than Linux processes…

  • What to do when your open team has impostor syndrome

    What to do when your open team has impostor syndrome

    [ad_1] Recently I facilitated a creative work week for my colleagues working on the Planet 4 project at Greenpeace. One evening, when we came together in a closing circle after a day of intense creative work, I asked the participants to share how they were each feeling about the day. We allowed these reflections to…

  • Top 10 and highlights: April review

    Top 10 and highlights: April review

    [ad_1] About the author Rikki Endsley – Rikki Endsley is a community manager for Opensource.com. In the past, she worked as the community evangelist on the Open Source and Standards (OSAS) team at Red Hat; a freelance tech journalist; community manager for the USENIX Association; associate publisher of Linux Pro Magazine, ADMIN, and Ubuntu User; and…

  • How to run a Raspberry Pi meetup

    How to run a Raspberry Pi meetup

    [ad_1] Raspberry Jam is the name for Raspberry Pi meetups—and they come in many different formats. Some are like traditional tech user groups, but many are family-friendly events that provide opportunities for kids to learn to code and make things. The Raspberry Pi Foundation supports the community of Raspberry Jams and has just released a…

  • 3 steps to secure, open source DevOps

    3 steps to secure, open source DevOps

    [ad_1] Nobody really writes their own code anymore, right? We go out to GitHub, download some libraries, avoid recreating unnecessary wheels, and package those wheels together along with our own glue to create new software. Then we download a half dozen front-end frameworks to make it all pretty and responsive and we’re off the races.…