Tag: pause

  • Audio Playlist Play Buttons JavaScript Programming Tutorial

    Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/video/JavaScript/Audio-Playlist-Play-Buttons-JavaScript-Programming-Tutorial Learn to program independent audio tracks on the page, each with their own play button, that are all tied together. Dynamic application programming tutorial written in JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. Original source

  • Audio Workshop 1 Play Pause Mute Buttons JavaScript Tutorial

    Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/video/JavaScript/Audio-Play-Pause-Mute-Buttons-Tutorial Audio Workshop is a series of videos in which we will demonstrate how program the Audio object and the Web Audio API using JavaScript. I am going to leave this series open ended, just like we did for the Canvas Bootcamp series. I will also be reading viewer comments as we release…