Photography Tutorials in Telugu – 01 Introduction to Photography – ఫోటోగ్రఫీ పరిచయం
Mr. Saravana Kumar is an MBA turned Wedding Photographer with huge experience of covering over 400+ Weddings & Events since 2013. These video series are started to share knowledge in photography with enthusiasts and make sure that skill should not be restricted by language. Momentz Photography is a group of Photography studios started with vision…
Shutter Speed ,Photography Tutorials Malayalam | Beginner level
Hai everyone, this video is about shutter speed and how this affect sharpness of the images. in this video we discuss about how different shutter speed affect the clarity. To learn this we took different shots in different shutter speed from 1/15 to 1/2000 . . . . please watch this video and comment your…
What is ISO? Photography tutorials for beginners
You know that all the magic happens and you get awesome photos when you shoot on manual but what is ISO and what does it do your photos? In this episode of my photography tutorials for beginners I share the ins and outs of ISO so you know how to get the best photos! Keep…
The BEST Photography Accessory: The White Balance CARD! Photography Tutorial For Beginners
Are you new to Photography or just a beginner? So am I. You can spend a lot of money on lenses and cameras, but this super cheap photography accessory is invaluable and it’s less than $10! The white balance card sets your camera’s white balance so it can properly calibrate colors. Without this your camera…
Black and White Photography
This tutorial will take a brief look at black and white photography and when to choose black and white over a shot with color. You will learn to: Capture rich textures and emotional scenes using black and white. Always shoot in color. Shoot in Raw. Remember: Grey days are bad for color photography, but great…
Three Rules of Lighting for Photography
The three important rules regarding the behavior of light. Use these rules to achieve the type of lighting we want, including the look of soft light. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more videos! Gear and recommendations below: Subscribe to this channel: http://bit.ly/EdVeroskyYoutube GET CONNECTED —————— ► BLOG: https://veroskycourses.com ► NEWSLETTER: http://bit.ly/veroskyNL ►…
Discover the Art of Photography: Episode 1, Getting Started
Learn more about this online photography course: http://www.stuckincustoms.com/art-of-photography/ Discover the Art of Photography is a series of digital photography tutorials made specifically for beginning and intermediate photographers. Trey teaches photography techniques in a unique way through a combination of interesting stories, live photo shoots and step-by-step instructions for editing the photos. You will learn the…