Tag: plane

  • How to create a fold in a Polygon plane in Autodesk Maya

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/94MfZULs_Ds/hqdefault.jpg Learn in just a few simple steps how to create a fold in a Polygon plane in Autodesk Maya! Also check out our site for more videos. http://www.jprarts.com/tips-and-tricks/ Sign up to our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/JPRTipsandTricks Also follow us on Twitter Tweets by TipssandTricks source

  • Blender Tutorial – Hard Surface Modeling Examples

    Blender Tutorial – Hard Surface Modeling Examples

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_-87f_7j5rQ/hqdefault.jpg In this tutorial I use various examples of hard surface models to create different basic shapes with the correct edge flow. With the knowledge of how the objects are modeled with neat edge flow you can create most models. I hope you enjoy the video! consider the information as you try to create more…

  • Blender Tutorial: How to create an Infinity Plane (Quick Tip)

    Blender Tutorial: How to create an Infinity Plane (Quick Tip)

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TCuBGWIBs9A/hqdefault.jpg In this quick video, I show how you can easily create an Infinity Plane. I know there are tons of ways to achieve this but I think this is the quickest and easiest way to create an infinity plane. Hopefully this has helped speed up your workflow! and thanks for watching!… source