Tag: plotter

  • Creating and Plotting 3D Graphics with Blender and AxiDraw

    Creating and Plotting 3D Graphics with Blender and AxiDraw

    https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wnpGhqbKcls/hqdefault.jpg A quick demonstration of using Blender’s SVG export capability to create a plot ready for a pen plotter. Tools used: AxiDraw V3: https://shop.evilmadscientist.com/productsmenu/846 Inkscape: https://inkscape.org/ AxiDraw plugin for Inkscape: https://wiki.evilmadscientist.com/Axidraw_Software_Installation Blender: https://www.blender.org/ penkit-optimize: https://github.com/paulgb/penkit/tree/master/optimizer source