PostgreSQL Replication Tutorial
Josh Berkus http://lca2015.linux.org.au/schedule/30295/view_talk Learn to setup and maintain PostgreSQL built-in replication in this hands-on, … Original source
Example: PostgreSQL Create DB and Table
Example of how to create a database, user, role, table, and insert records into a postgresql database. Original source
PostgreSQL at 10 TB and beyond
Earlier this week at Edument office in Malmö our colleague Chris Travers held a seminar discussing what happens when you manage over 10TB of data in … Original source
Curso de Banco de Dados #2 Tutorial PostgreSQL Aula 1 Basico
Comandos básicos POSTGRESQL Baixe PostgreSQL no Link abaixo http://www.postgresql.org/download/ Original source
PostgreSQL Vs. MySQL
PostreSQL is a great SQL platform that is truly SQL, unlike MySQL that has forked from the standard. MySQL is definitely the thing to run if your software was built … Original source
Linux Tutorials: Install & Setup PostgreSQL on Ubuntu
Learn how to install and setup PostgreSQL on Ubuntu. I show a couple of good tips to make it easier to get into the psql console. This was recorded on Ubuntu … Original source
PostgreSQL Top Ten Features
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SQL Tutorial 1: Installing and Setting up PostgreSQL
First tutorial in SQL. How to install and set up PostgreSQL. Original source
MySQL vs PostgreSQL – Why you shouldn’t use MySQL
A comparison of the error reporting between MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Original video: http://vimeo.com/43536445. Original source
Programming Tutorial – Introduction to SQL with PostgreSQL
Learning the basics of SQL including creating a table, inserting data, updating data, deleting data, and reading data from the table. We use PostgreSQL with … Original source