Tag: prototypal inheritance

  • Javascript Classes ES2015 tutorial : Object Oriented Programming Series – Part 9

    Class keyword introduced in ES6, You can create objects easily using Classes. Internally, It’s prototypal inheritance, using prototype methods and function constructor. Article and code samples from this tutorial * http://techsith.com/javascript-classes/ Please be my patreons on patreaon * https://www.patreon.com/techsith Follow me for technology updates * https://facebook.com/techsith * https://twitter.com/techsith1 Help me translate this video *http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=VL6WDtky-to&ref=share Original…

  • Prototypes in JavaScript – FunFunFunction #16

    Let’s say that you have a food type, and you want to make lots of different instances of that food, such as waffles, and I don’t know why you’d want any other food than waffles, but maybe you like carrots or something. In that context, *food* is the prototype of *waffles* and *carrots*. Some of…