Qué lenguaje de programación aprender primero en 2022
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Todos mis cursos de desarrollo web profesional desde cero ¡CASI REGALADOS POR AÑO NUEVO!, pero SE ACABA HOY, aprovecha e inscríbete a todos antes de que suban de precio, síguelos en este orden
Curso de HTML5 en profundidad: https://victorroblesweb.es/curso-html5
Master en CSS: Aprender CSS3, Responsive, SASS,…
WebAssembly: Disrupting JavaScript
WebAssembly is a new low-level, high-performance complement to JavaScript on the Web. As an open standard developed by Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Apple, WebAssembly runs everywhere that JavaScript does: in every major Web browser, and in runtimes like Node.js and Electron. This talk examines WebAssembly from a practical standpoint, answering why it was created, what…
High Performance Apps with JavaScript and Rust
NodeJS is amazing at lots of things, but computationally intensive or low level tasks aren’t among those things. How can you still leverage the ease of use of NodeJS and do things that are computationally expensive like machine learning, or low level things like computations on a GPU? By using Rust and Node together. Rust…
How to Make Rust in Blender
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/37oBqhjDtBI/hqdefault.jpg Rust tutorial for blender: http://www.blenderguru.com/tutorials/how-to-make-rust/ Discover how to add rust to any model using Blender’s built-in texture painter and cycles nodes. source