Tag: Software Design Pattern (Field Of Study)

  • Modular Javascript #4 – PubSub Javascript Design Pattern

    Last video, we covered the revealing module pattern – where we expose an API allowing modules to talk to each other. This works well for smaller amounts of modules, but can have issues when many modules need to talk to each other. Here’s the pubsub code I’m using in this example: https://gist.github.com/learncodeacademy/777349747d8382bfb722 In this video,…

  • JavaScript object creation patterns tutorial – factory , constructor pattern, prototype pattern

    We will learn, How to create objects from other objects in javascript. We will learn following patterns in depth with code examples in jsfiddle. factory pattern, constructor pattern, prototype pattern and dynamic prototype pattern creating objects in javascript How to create object defining objects javascript has no formal support for classes javascript is a prototypical…