How to build a Photography Portfolio Website using a SmugMug Template, Tutorial with Dog Photography
#photography #portfolio #website How to build a Photography Portfolio Website using a SmugMug Template and dog photography photos – SmugMug Tutorial Use SmugMug for any type of photography portfolio of images online CLICK HERE FOR DISCOUNT OFF any New account with SmugMug http://shrsl.com/3c9lc Timestamps 0:00 Intro 0:45 Upload photos 5:00 Choose a SmugMug template 6:11…
Bootstrap 4 Theme Customization (with Sass) | BOOTSTRAP 4 TUTORIAL
[ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6Ovw43Dkp44/hqdefault.jpg Bootstrap 4 makes the customization of themes, colors and sizes easy! Use SASS to adjust the look of your Bootstrap 4 project to exactly the look you need. No expert knowledge is required – just some easy-to-follow steps. ———- Source Code for the Video: https://github.com/academind/bootstrap4-introduction/tree/06-customize Watch the Series on academind.com: https://academind.com/learn/css/bootstrap-4-tutorial/customization-themes-sass Official Theming…
Language? What language?
After battling it out with the language files on my wife’s blog for about 3 hours I was finally able to get Buddypress and BBPress working in Spanish. Trust me it isn’t as straight forward as you might think and all the tuts out there always seem to miss something or they aren’t valid for…
If you use WordPress you need to read this!
If you use WP you really need to check out the following article from Siobhan McKeown over at wpmu.org. Like me you prabably love free things and who doesn’t? But those freebies could run you into loads of trouble or reek havok on your site. Remember, cheap is expensive in the long…