3D Upgrade – Skin Shader – Blender 3D Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4tFH6D3XHaM/hqdefault.jpg Do you want me to upgrade your model ? Send it to blender.tnt@gmail.com, I will pick one each week. I made a video to show a simple technique that greatly improves the look of skin. It works with any skin color and using different order of ColorRamps can simulate different blood colors. Thanks source
Adventure Photography: 4 Tips to Get an Epic Shot | Get Out: A Guide to Adventure
Learn what essential equipment professional adventure photographer Keith Ladzinski brings to the field to get the perfect shot.
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More National Geographic Adventure: http://bit.ly/AdventureNatGeo About Get Out: A Guide to Adventure: National Geographic has tapped its favorite outdoor experts to share their…
How to Build a Responsive Website From Start to Finish – Testimonial Javascript – Part17
AAAAHHHHHH!! Javascript and other stuff!!! Today we make the client testimonials go swooosh, swooosh!!! — DevTips is a YouTube show about web design and development. “HTML5 Basics” Playlist: “CSS Basics” Playlist: “How to build a professional website from start to finish” Playlist: —- Follow the DevTips GitHub Page to get all the codez: https://github.com/DevTips DevTips…
Blender Tutorial I Boolean Modifier Deutsch
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_5MjkqlQb84/hqdefault.jpg Der Boolean Modifier ist in Blender 2.78 erweitert worden, seht in diesem Beitrag von Frederik Steinmetz die neuen Funktionen und Tipps zur reibungslosen Anwendung. Webseite: http://www.blenderdiplom.com/de/ source
Blender 2.7 Tutorial #8 : Smoothing & SubSurf #b3d
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gkN1aLaNWxk/hqdefault.jpg Visit my Blender 2.7 Tutorial Series playlist for more Blender Tutorials: In this Tutorial #8 I cover: -How to smooth objects using Smooth vs Flat Shading -How to smooth individual groups of faces. -How to add and use the Subdivision Surface Modifier -How to work with the ‘SubSurf’ modifier to create both smoothness and…
Balancing Flash with Low Ambient Light: Take and Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey: AdoramaTV
http://www.adorama.com Combining flash and ambient light can be tricky, but Gavin Hoey has some really simple tricks that will help. In three different setups Gavin works in both low and moderate levels of ambient light to continue his Red Riding Hood-themed shoot. Starting with the camera’s meter reading, Gavin underexposes the shots and then adds…
Low Key Portraits: Take and Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey
http://www.adorama.com Low Key lighting is more then simply photographing against a black background. Join us in this episode as photographer Gavin Hoey explains the technique of a correctly exposed image that mostly learns towards the dark side. If you shoot in a small home or portable studio, low key lighting is one of the best…
3D Modeling Beginners – Complete Soda Can Modeling Tutorial HD – Autodesk Maya HD
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FNA2AAhO5E8/hqdefault.jpg 3D Modeling basics – Autodesk Maya 2013 – Complete Soda Can Modeling This Video was created by Irvin390 if you like please show your support by subscribing to his channel where you can find many more great tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/user/irvin390?feature=watch In this Modeling tutorial Irvin390 will take you though how to Model a complete soda…
You May Be A Photographer, But Are You An Artist?
Think before you shoot… 7 thoughts from world-renowned artist Roger Ballen which will serve as useful tips and tricks for your photography. Join the Cooperative of Photography: http://www.cooph.com Visit the COOPH store: http://store.cooph.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecooph Instagram: http://instagram.com/thecooph/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/thecooph/ Visit Roger Ballen’s website: http://www.rogerballen.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RogerBallenP… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rogerballen/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/rogerballen All images are © Roger…
Top 10 Things to Master for Advanced JavaScript
Sponsors: Dev Mountain Coding Bootcamp https://goo.gl/P4vgKS Other Links: Check out my tutorials, blogs and more at my website https://www.hipstercode.com/ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Here is a quick list of things I put together that a lot of JavaScript developers struggle with. I am probably missing a few items on this list but I feel the ones I did…