Blender 2.8 Beginner 3D Modeling Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/elUJCEC06r8/hqdefault.jpg This beginner Blender video demonstrates how to make a 3D model of a hammer. Blender version 2.8 beta was used for this video. Blender website Homepage source
so einfach entfernst du störende Personen mit Photoshop
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TWOVI90ugS0/hqdefault.jpg Das Problem welches ich hier im Tutorial behandle kennt glaube ich jeder! Du bist an einem Tollen Foto-Spot und hast immer nervige Leute im Bild stehen. Diese mit Photoshop zu entfernen und zu retuschieren kann mühsam sein. Ich zeige dir hier aber wie du schnell und einfach zum Ziel kommst und die Person entfernst.…
7 Photoshop Tips every Architect must know!
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aZp3s8SdEag/hqdefault.jpg Best people cutouts: http://www.mrcutout.com?utm_source=OUGraphics Instagram: http://instagram.com/ou.graphics .. Want to get the Video Files to follow along the tutorial? https://gumroad.com/ougraphics .. Hi there! Learn some usufull tips to improve your photoshop workflow! Feel free to ask questions in the comment section! Thanks for watching! Please comment suggestions! Music: Instrumental produced by Chuki. be sure to…
EEVEE Light Probes for Reflections: Blender 2.8 Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JjzilEjjpws/hqdefault.jpg This Blender video demonstrates the use of 2 EEVEE Light Probes that are used for reflections. First Reflection Cubemaps are demonstrated and then Reflection Planes. EEVEE is a new render engine included with Blender version 2.8. Blender version used for this video: Version 2.80 Beta Link to Screen Space Reflections Video (5 EEVEE Tips…
Bootstrap Grid – CSS Grids Series (part 9 2nd Column Layout)
[ad_1] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/O8h9MHSBIAw/hqdefault.jpg — DevTips is a YouTube show about web design and development. “HTML5 Basics” Playlist: “CSS Basics” Playlist: “How to build a professional website from start to finish” Playlist: —- Follow the DevTips GitHub Page to get all the codez: https://github.com/DevTips DevTips now has a twitter account: Tweets by DevTipsShow Travis also tweets: Tweets…
Preserve Your Treasures: How To Store Your Photographs
Smithsonian Archives Conservation Fellow, Anna, describes how to store your photographs for safe-keeping. This is a follow-up to the video on how to safely remove photographs from magnetic, or “sticky” albums. For more archival tips and stories, visit http://blog.photography.si.edu. For resources on materials for storing your photographs, visit the Museum Conservation Institute – http://www.si.edu/mci/english/learn_more/taking_care/supplier.html. Intro…
How to Blur Photo Background in Photoshop Like Very Expensive Lens Photography
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/azsfUXCxtO8/hqdefault.jpg In this photo editing tutorial, learn how to add a smooth blur to your photo backgrounds easily in photoshop. Fantasy soft light blurring effect. ►Download PSD file: http://photoshopdesire.com/blur-photo-background-like-costly-lens-photoshop/ ►Download Stock Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/psdesire/37569513776/ First open the photo you would like to work on. Now choose select and mask tool. i’m using ps cc 2017 version,…
Blender 2.57 weapon modeling tutorial (scar-l) part 1
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kOFsvV_TRPQ/hqdefault.jpg in this video tutorial i show you my modeling techniques, to create a weapon in blender. this is only a tutorial and you can add as much detail as you want. please note, this is my first try to make a video tutorial hopefully see you next time subscibe or like for more (i…
Blender -How to fix 3D hardware acceleration driver error (openGL)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AE02zgFtMs0/hqdefault.jpg Rtechtips- Welcome ,My today’s video is about how to fix 3D hardware acceleration driver error. or how to fix open GL 2.1 error. openGL is a driver which can be download from blender ftp server. After downloading you can place it in blender source folder to fix this 3D hardware acceleration driver issue. Link…
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-VD2bJcFa4M/hqdefault.jpg MY EVERYDAY ROUTINE AS A PINAY BEAUTY VLOGGER! I really love shopping on Lazada, no joke! Sobrang dali lang kasi tapos halos lahat pa ng kailangan, andon na! Lagi pang may MEGA SALE kaya laking savings talaga! SHOP ON LAZADA HERE – https://lzd.co/Lazada99xRealAsianBeauty PRODUCTS MENTIONED : *Pink Sugar Our Lil Secret Foundation – Light…