Adobe Photoshop CS6 Tutorial: Bilder zensieren [HD]
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VhBjxh4xGDk/hqdefault.jpg Sry ich war ein bisschen erkältet, wollte euch aber trotzdem mein Tutorial nicht vorenthalten. ►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tunkonic ►Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tunkonic ►Ein Tutorial von: Nico ►30 Tage Testversion von Photoshop CS6: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/tdrc/index.cfm?product=photoshop&loc=de View Original Source Here
Advanced Skeleton Setup Maya 2018 Tutorial -Fish Rig Body and face
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NsdqcbyJll8/hqdefault.jpg In this video you can learn how to make rig fish with Advance Skeleton, edit rig ,edit joint ,how to add more joint and how painting skin weigh with joint. ======================
SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCno_IkITMvTRCMVsmRg9qEw/featured ====================== How to Create Growing Flower Part 01: Growing Flower Part 02: Blooming Flower Part 03: Connect the plant with…
Photography to another LEVEL. #Creative Photo Ideas
This amazing group of photographers are a great example of what creativity achieves when you are having fun! They show you how to accomplish great photos using simple tricks. With crazy effects and tricks we are sure you will enjoy learning from amazing creators! Let us know if you try any of this amazing ideas!…
How to Do a Perfect Hair Transplant in Photoshop
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/38h4mIB6SR0/hqdefault.jpg One hair growth product, that will undoubtedly work 1000% of the time, is yours truly, Photoshop! In this lesson, we will learn the most realistic way to add hair using the fundamental principles of compositing. From understanding how lights and shadows play a major role in making the new hair look realistic, to advanced…
Autodesk Maya Character Rigging Lesson 02- Controller Curves Placement – Urdu|Hindi
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/u0lL5S4KIQM/hqdefault.jpg ► Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CGFastAnimation?sub_confirmation=1 In video i am teaching you how to rig your character in Autodesk Maya. This Course divided into 5 parts. ———————————————————————————————— 1) Joint Placement 2) Controller (Curves) Placement 3) Connections (Constrains) on curve and joints and Smooth rigid bind. 4) IK and FK with switching controllers. 5) Pole…
Create Seamless Product Backdrops with Shadows! – Photoshop Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qiLGtfm3vMw/hqdefault.jpg Are you into product photography for e-commerce or branding? Here’s how to make the product backdrops seamless and construct realistic shadows with Photoshop! This lesson will take you through the entire process, right from masking and straightening up the product to adding advanced shadow elements. ► Check Out 350+ Absolutely Free Creative Tutorials on…
Pixel Art – Photoshop Tutorial
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hFZBUWHVSrM/hqdefault.jpg In this video we configure Photoshop for making Pixel Art and create our first 2D sprite. ● 2D Mega Pack: http://devassets.com/assets/2d-mega-pack/ Difficulty of lesson: Novice. Share your designs! @BrackeysTweet This tuutorial is designed to suit a 2D workflow with the upcoming 2D tools in Unity 4.3. Website: http://brackeys.com Donate: http://brackeys.com/donate/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brackeys Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BrackeysTweet…
How to Flawlessly Iron Clothes in Photoshop!
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rE9xSHcH9jQ/hqdefault.jpg Learn how to perfectly remove the wrinkles from any fabric with Photoshop! We will use a unique Frequency Separation technique to target the wrinkles and straighten them out without disturbing the texture of the cloth. In this lesson, we will learn two techniques to target and remove the uneven folds and creases. Also along…
[기초 05] 게임 고객사를 위한 Maya Rig 튜토리얼 (Animation Bake와 FBX 사용법)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/evXLelFge9M/hqdefault.jpg 디지탈허브 자사에서 진행하는 장기 프로젝트로 Autodesk Maya Rig 를 접하기에 어려움이 있으셨던 분들과 배워보고 싶으신 분들을 위한 교육용 튜토리얼을 제공합니다. [게임고객사를 위한 Maya Rig 초급강좌] 고객 설문조사 이벤트
링크 문의사항을 설문에 남겨주시는 분들에게는 추첨을 통해 30명에게 선물 을 드립니다. -https://share.hsforms.com/1C73YnoNGRuKaphbVRA5e4Q3wofq 오토데스크 M&E 골드 파트너 [디지탈허브] -디지탈허브 홈페이지 : dhurb.co.kr -디지탈허브 블로그 : https://blog.naver.com/digitalhurb -전화번호 :…